Saturday, May 28, 2016

In Studying The Word


In Studying The Word

Ask God, our Father to give you a blessing before you read His Word. Ask Him to open up His Word to you, as you read.

To unfold to you as that of the flower opens to release its golden nectar.
This in the form of understanding , to understand and retain The Words as you are reading them.

You will find that there are many levels to this word. And as you read you will begin to find that each time you will gain a deeper understanding. And you will grow. You will grow. You will grow. 

When you read, read as a child will read in wonderment. Let this book's words become part of who you are. You will begin to understand all of its meanings. You will smile to yourself as though you have found a secret precious diamond among its pages. And you will hold on tightly to the prize that you have found. 

This book will lead you back home. In its pages are the road that you need to take to find your way back to the father. You will find your way back home, your real home. The secret to life, the meaning of life all found in this books pages. 

You will find that this book has a wonderful surprise hidden deep in with its pages. The prize in its pages are waiting there for you to discover. Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to His word. Out of Love He will do as you ask. After all He is the Father, He is Love.




Book of Sorrows ~One

~ Revelations Comes Alive ~

Some said the time was near
Others were doubtful and really did not seem to care
It had all been said and done before
Every century, it was said was the one, to be the Final, but it never did happened

Some others even said it did happen, some two thousand years ago
But since we did not keep good records back then,
it was somehow over looked and forgotten
And these were men of learned ways, so they tell us!

It will be a time of great sorrows
A time never to have been endured by man
That even Hitler would seem as a child compared to this beast
Possessed by the very spirit of the devil himself, yet still man.

Like the birth pains of a Woman
Time and after time, plus that
As all these natural disasters will continue to grow
All falling on back to back, then they will fade to black

The book will be opened, in the last generations, was it not foretold
That a beast will arise out of a political ocean
For its followers will carry his number
Stamped on their foreheads and hands, they will boast

A third of all mankind destroyed from the start
For the years have been numbered, 
Seven in their total, three point five peace to start
He will then call himself a god. 
Blasphemies from his evil heart.

Woe, to this lost civilization
Woe to those children conceived but never allowed to be born
Woe, for several of these lost children would have cured cancer and so much more
Sent from God above, yet killed by men from below

Man has always had the power to turn away
Turn their heads towards God, yet so stubborn, 
Slaves given over to sin natures, Jesus could only take away
God forgives us, because we have gone so astray.

We have to all realize
That our time on this earth is indeed so very short
Be aware my children, for we know now that Wormwood will for sure fall, taking with it one third of it all. 

These words of wisdom, written so very long ago
The book of this Revelation, now opened, was it not for told. 
You have been told to watch, then listen
And all these things this generation will be hold

On bended knee, please pray to God.
For without The Blood of Christ Jesus,
Not only will our life's , our very souls will be lost. 
Awake from this sleep, yes, the beast has come.

Beginning of Sorrows   ~  II

A voice cries in the darkness
It has begun!
Hold steadfast in the beliefs that you know are true
Let not yourself be lead a stray.

When you hear rumors of there he is,
And here he comes soon,
Hold stead fast to the truths you have learned so long ago from the book of the written Word.

Head your Fathers warnings
Watch the heavens above.
Seek the sign in the coming clouds
Were you not told this so long ago?

The Apostasy has reared it's ugly untruths
The Leonardo Code
Said to be based in fact, yet so latently untrue.
If possible, believers might be fooled?
Were we not all warned in the book of all Truths?

The shroud of Turin
Labeled truth, yet un-established
Forged in trickery
No so called experts willing to confirm.

No graven images under the heavens
Declared the very Word of God.
Yet men of Learnedness eagerly rally around subversion… 
Taking away the sacrifice of Jesus proclaiming it null.

For two thousand years
We held the Word as undeniable Truth
Yet in one generation have we so 
Grossly forgotten all that we Learned?

Were we not told of a time
yet to come when our very family
Would betray us and turn us in for God's very sake.

It has begun,
So slow, so quite, So Deliberate.
Like a lion on the prowl.
Devouring all truths once learned in the Book of the Word.

Now is the time to prepare
Time does grow short for the unbelievers
Yet for those of us whom believe
We now prepare for the beginnings of Sorrows.

It has begun and, as Children of God, we must prepare.
 Time to puchase oil for our lamps, to make ready for His return.

Beginning of Sorrows Trilogy

Dark clouds have been seen over the horizon
A fear now permeates at the very soul of mankind
Signs in the heavens that were once prophesied
Now fill the dreams of our old and our young

Why is man so perplexed by these signs
Were we not for told these very things yet to come
Was it not in the Book
The book of the written Word

From the seven hills of Rome
Over seas of blood stained glass
Proclaim edicts, disclaiming previous knowledge
Time to tell their rewritten past.

Our precious children
So many raised with not an concept of The Father
Will turn on their parents, without an inkling of remorse
Unknowingly turning them into martyrs

Wow, for the loss of this generation
Wow, for the loss of children conceived never to be born
Wow, for the disintegration of the families
Wow, for the Christians whom now will be scorned

The beginning of Sorrows
So warned to come millennial's ago
Now – it  is beginning
So as it was prophesied so many years ago.

It has begun, time for we Christians to prepare and examine our believes. 
To hold steadfast to the Word that we know in our Hearts as the truth. This through the Written Word of our God and Savior.

Prepare, he knocks at our door. Will we let Him in?

God Bless you All

A Voice Cries Out From The Desert

A Voice Cries Out From The Desert

A voice cries out from the desert
He is coming, He is coming
And a Profit of old comes out from the desert
For he proclaims to all that the time of judgment grows near

This Profit is old and weathered
For time has taken it toll on him
He is steadfast and stands tall
He caries his staff not as a weapon but as rank of office he holds

His speech is bold, and you will listen
You are drawn to him in ways you do not understand
You belief in his words because he comes from the Father
You know this because you are Christians and understand The Word

The time has come for the reckoning he foretells
Was it not told to us two thousand of years ago, now past
Look to the skies this profit says, with tear filled eyes
For your salvation will come very soon, yes even in a twinkling of an eye 

But first will come the father of all lies
Beware my children for he deceives with great power
Even to fool the very elect of God, the profit said
Watch and be careful my children for the anti Christ is now hear

For he knows what scares you and takes great pride in that
Hold fast my children and remember the Word of God
For in that Word lies your very salvation, hold fast
Hold fast in your hearts what is the truth of God and you will not be fooled

For it is most true
That our very God had promised never to leave us
And you know these words I speak are most true
For I am the very Profit spoken of in the desert, that has come to warn you.
John was the first, and you new of him quite well, I come now to tell this generation, I come here to tell you now

I come to speak of one great last revival
A great gathering of all Christians around this world
And I come to warn of Worm Wood coming
And a third of this world dying from Wood Worms great fall

Into the sea will it fall ,yet also will rattle all the lands
One third of all life will perish that day,
For this was once foretold to you, has this generation forgot? 
You have been warned, the time to Repent is now

Children of God, Repent on bended knee
Admit your sins, then testify to your Lord
Turn yourself over to The Father and Son
Give over your whole soul, give it all

Tell the Father you love Him
Tell Him you Love His Son
Turn over your all, to the Family of God
For this was written in the Word and it is good.

Beware my children, watch and be wise. For the book of revelations has been open to our understanding, watch, learn, and beware.

You Made A Promise

You Made A Promise

You made a promise
You said that you would return
Deep down inside I know
I know you will come back.

I wish it were yesterday
I wish it were the day before yesterday
I need you so much to be here.
I need you so much to be here.

I need you here with me
In my very life
I am nothing without You
I find myself so incomplete

Yet when I think about You
Really think about You
My soul somehow becomes complete
Your are in my very heart, my soul as you will.

I long for the day
when your law is written upon my heart
And I will know all there is to know bout You

I will rejoice in that day
When I become a complete and finished soul
When I can say Father in your presence
When I bow before you in awe.

You made a promise
You said you would return
The child in me waits
The child in me knows you
 keep your Word.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Angel Whisper (3)

Angel Whisper  (3)

You whispered in my ear that night
That God loved me and to preserver always
And I took You at Your Word
For there is no need for me to doubt.

For who can deny the words of the Angel
For was He not heaven sent
Did He not bear the word of God
The very message of hope to one's child.

To preserver into the long night coming
That hope was waiting at the end
of this dark and lonesome tunnel
His word from The Father to His child.

There have been times, when I cry out in desperation
Father, Abba, where are You ?
Then it comes to me that He is at my side
He has never left me even for a short while.

How fragile us humans are
How sometimes we doubt what lies in front view
He is always there, He had always been there for me
How wonderful He is for me, for He is my Father.

The word is founded secured in rock
The rock is truth, love and hope.
The road is narrow and hard to navigate
But in total trust in God, obedience to God
made this narrow road accessible to both me and you.

“Even more know than ever before I ask you to pray to our father in love and in hope to help you navigate this narrow road straight through. Just believe He is God, and yes remember that His one and only Son died on the Cross-for me and you, Praise God, amen”  -Carl.

Angel Whisper (2)

A Time of Testing    
Angel Whisper (2)

Are you testing me Oh God
What have I done
What did I not do
Why are you testing me Oh Lord

The pain grows unbearable
Every day a little worse
Than the day before
Why are you testing me Oh Lord

I cannot do this anymore
The pain has grown to strong
Every day a little bit harder
Where have I gone so wrong?

Is this a test
to see how strong I am
A test I know I now will fail
Have I failed you Oh Lord

The angel You sent
Whispered in my ear to persevere
I have tried with all my will
But the pain has become too strong

You told me God Loves me
My Lord God how profound
Yes God does love me
God please keep me strong

You are the only strength
I have to persevere
But my God I hurt so much
My God please draw near.
I need Your  strength 
To persevere. 

“Praise God and put your faith in Him God bless you all and keep you safe” -Carl.

CHAPTER II ANGEL POEMS (True Poetic Account) AND MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Angel Whisper (1st account )



(True Poetic Account)


Angel Whisper (1st account )

I could not sleep that night
Most nights I find it hard to sleep
Being sick for so long
Not knowing what weighs so heavy on the mind and soul

I use this time to talk to God
Tell Him all about my day
Tell Him all the times I fell so short of His Glory
Feeling so less than worthy to call out His Name.

A feeling came upon me
A presence made itself known
A whisper in my ear
A message to be proclaimed

In my left ear
A voice of an Angle proclaimed
God Loves You He told me
To preserver he proclaimed

This is a true story
Yes it did really happen to me
In a moment of great weakness
God sent a messenger to me

From the voice of this angel
Proclaiming that yes God Loves me
I know I am so unworthy
Yet The Father Loves me?

What powerful words
were spoken
To help me through
these trying times... 
God The Father Loves me
He will be with me, for all times.