A Voice Cries Out From The Desert
A voice cries out from the desert
He is coming, He is coming
And a Profit of old comes out from the desert
For he proclaims to all that the time of judgment grows near
This Profit is old and weathered
For time has taken it toll on him
He is steadfast and stands tall
He caries his staff not as a weapon but as rank of office he holds
His speech is bold, and you will listen
You are drawn to him in ways you do not understand
You belief in his words because he comes from the Father
You know this because you are Christians and understand The Word
The time has come for the reckoning he foretells
Was it not told to us two thousand of years ago, now past
Look to the skies this profit says, with tear filled eyes
For your salvation will come very soon, yes even in a twinkling of an eye
But first will come the father of all lies
Beware my children for he deceives with great power
Even to fool the very elect of God, the profit said
Watch and be careful my children for the anti Christ is now hear
For he knows what scares you and takes great pride in that
Hold fast my children and remember the Word of God
For in that Word lies your very salvation, hold fast
Hold fast in your hearts what is the truth of God and you will not be fooled
For it is most true
That our very God had promised never to leave us
And you know these words I speak are most true
For I am the very Profit spoken of in the desert, that has come to warn you.
John was the first, and you new of him quite well, I come now to tell this generation, I come here to tell you now
I come to speak of one great last revival
A great gathering of all Christians around this world
And I come to warn of Worm Wood coming
And a third of this world dying from Wood Worms great fall
Into the sea will it fall ,yet also will rattle all the lands
One third of all life will perish that day,
For this was once foretold to you, has this generation forgot?
You have been warned, the time to Repent is now
Children of God, Repent on bended knee
Admit your sins, then testify to your Lord
Turn yourself over to The Father and Son
Give over your whole soul, give it all
Tell the Father you love Him
Tell Him you Love His Son
Turn over your all, to the Family of God
For this was written in the Word and it is good.
Beware my children, watch and be wise. For the book of revelations has been open to our understanding, watch, learn, and beware.
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