Forgive Me For My Trespass
On bended knee
I call out praises to The Lord
My soul cries out Abba
I need you Father so!
My life has gotten so out of control
I have lost my way home to You
I don't know how or what had happened
But somehow I lost my way to You
I am lost and ashamed
I do not understand what I could have done
But somehow I lost sight of You
Dear Father Abba, somewhere I went wrong
I was corrupted by this world
I had given into its corruptions
I was seduced by its seductions
I had turned my eyes away from you
I had somehow lost direction
Turned to lust and self satisfaction
I just did not care about my soul any more
I had given up my soul to increase earthly pleasures untold
I had traded my soul
For this life's satisfactions
I have foolishly lost everything
In trade for this nothing
I have sinned
I could not care any less
Now I beg my Dear Father
Forgive me for my trespass.
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