Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Second CD-Book Titled- This One Man’s Witness of God

Giving Witness
To a Dark World

This One Man’s Witness of God
Told Through Free Form Verse
As Perceived From My Heart, My Soul, My Love of God

Written by Carl R. Coglianese

Table of Contents

When God took His Hand Away
Have We Just Walked Away?
One Last Fight (Do we have it in Us)
I Wear The Cross Because ?
Father, Your People are calling Thee
Asking God for Help
It has somehow Changed
Without Christ I can not Sustain
If Jesus said I Never Knew You
To look into the face of Jesus
Decisions Current Tense
The Wall Of Tears
Oh My God
This Menorah-Light Of God
To Walk With God
When The Pain Takes Hold
Would I Give My Life For You
No Weakness In Meek
The Bond That Is Prayer
For These Are My People
Be Proud Of Me
As Christians We…..
Can You Imagine
A Call For Peace Herd Across This Land
Amazing Grace, For They Sang From Their Souls
Faith Walkers
Is Anyone Out There?
The Sadness
The Coming Storm
Book Of Sorrows-Chapter One
Worm Wood-Part One
The Seal Has Been Broken-Chapter One
Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One
Wormwood Part 1 & 2
Worm Wood Part Two
This Planet is dying
Masada Chapter 1 & 2
Masada Chapter Two
This Our Final Stand
 Search Of Perfection

Teach Me To Pray
A Matter Of Interpretation
No One But The Father Knows
When The American Dream Died
The Hall Of Souls
And So It Begins
Oh, What Kind Of Tree?
Who Is Your God?
The MEANING OF LIFE-is Not Greed
Has This, The End, Come?
For We, Who Had Lost Our Way
A Prayer From My Soul Sent To My Fathers Heart
The Falling Away Of America
The Burning Of The Sun

To This Creation Known As Mankind
Have We Just Walked Away?
Please Let The American Dream Still Be.

My Prayer For Mankind
How Is It That You Can Not Understand?
The Great Inquisition Now Begins
Has this, the end, come?
The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2
A Matter Of Interpretation


When God took His Hand Away

Think about all the hate
Think about all the pain in this world
Think about the growing unrest
Think about the hopelessness of it all

Then dare to think that
Perhaps these were the good old days
For something wicked know walks this way
For the very foundations of everything you once knew
Simply will have faded away.

When the very hand of God has been lifted
And for the first time since there was created man
The presence of Father God will not be felt upon this earth
And all manner of strangeness will corrupt all land
Mankind will not as of first realize this had been planned.

Now can you  imagine
This earth with out Father God
With out the hand of God protecting us
Removed from us, no longer shading us any more
No longer protecting us from all the evil ones?

There would be such chaos
That this world had never seen
All matter of hatred and greed gone horrible wrong
Demons rooming free to destroy the unborn.
No places to hide in safety, for evermore. Forever forlorn.

Now listen to the Word, written so very long ago
It tells of a transformation to come, a mystery if you will
There will come a great disappearance, thousands of ten thousands
For this will be true, a day of great happenings
When the very hand of  our Father God has been removed.


A mighty cry and great despair will fall upon all lands
For our Father God’s presence will have disappeared from among us
creating great chaos, rumblings in all the earths lands
A great and desperate emptiness begins to creep about
Know all innocence has gone and left ,four horsemen galloped about.

How many times have we been warned
How many prophets of our Mighty Father God have been laughed at
Ridiculed, Beaten and killed
How many more will die in their service to the Father, The Word
How many more will cry out in the greatest of despair for a future only littered in great blackness covered with death.

This day will come, I have no doubt of this as you can see
 I have come to warn you to wake up and look all about you
Can you not smell the very master of death about you
Can you not taste the very blood of the innocence that will be last to be lost.
Why can’t you hear these words I have been screaming,
can you not hear at all.

 On that day, this blackest of days

When the very hand of God will be lifted and taken away.

 There will be the sound in the heavens, throughout this whole earth, yes it will be heard in all these lands.

The great gates of heaven, being closed, yes even being slammed.

They will be locked, closed forever, this is the very end of man.

For no more will man be taken to this heaven, this most promised of lands.
No more will the cries of man be herd in heaven

Man will find himself truly alone, in his own blackness
His very fate in his own blooded hands.


Have We Just Walked Away?

Have we just walked away?

Oh my dear Father God
For what have us, mankind done?
Why Have we sinned so greatly
Why do we have no remorse?

We just walk away
With our hands raised to heaven
As if to ask you why!
For in reality it is us that should ask, why have we failed you and walked away

We have some how lost our conscience
Was this because we just did not care
Or did we ever care.
Or is this the time of sorrows that was predicted so long ago

I have herd them say that God is dead
Even now men of great learning even question
If God even ever lived before
Perhaps He died, or maybe he never was in the first place

How can mankind walk away from all that God has given
Why Can't we even see Him in Nature any more these days
Even nature has abandoned us and gone quite crazy
Volcanoes, earth quakes, tidal waves run amok, making no sense any more these days

The time is know,
That we must make our stand
To awake from this dream of complacence
For in reality we created in the first place


Even the very stars in Heaven begin to fall
The sun grows brighter and hotter much more these days
We now have such things as solar storms
Solar winds coming to threaten our man made ways

Even our very science has begun to fail us
Even the very earth beneath us begins to thrust ever forward
For now there is no special safe place for us to escape
It seems that very nature revolts in our wake

And yet we still raise up our clenched fists to the heavens
As if in disbelief and we want to say
Damn the heavens above this earth as they blacken
Damn this very earth that shakes

What will it take for this generation
When will they wake up to realize their gruesome fate
How much more can this old planet Earth continue
Until this last generation wakes up and realizes it is all ready to late.


One Last Fight (Do we have it in Us)

I think we do
afraid to fight anymore that is
we just do not have it in us
modern life has drained us to become void of feeling
we have nothing left to give
there is nothing left to give

And I have to wonder
how did we end up this way
what could we have possibly done to merit this
the lessening of the soul
and yes, even to the death of the human soul

has 21st century man just simply lost the ability to give anymore
and how the very last visage of Americana
Life as we have known it is under a vicious attack
the very adage in God We Trust has been put on trail
Presupposed, suspected guilty

How dare they
how dare they mock our very foundational presets
our most prolific words that have made this nation, America number One, Is in God We trust

The line will be drawn here, right now
you will not break this nations spirit
by your very words, this treachery
you will cause a great out cry in this land

In God We Trust
will not go quietly into that goodnight
it will not be allowed to go at all
this fight will not be lost
it will not be lost

also pity those who will go even one step further in there un-American cause
Do not take away, God Bless America
for these two combined will most assuredly cause us to fall
it is time to stand tall and be counted,
which side are you on

There are those who would destroy this country, this America
not from an enemy at our boarders, but from the enemy with in our own walls

Guard those basic principles we as Americans hold dear to our hearts
God Bless America
In God We Trust
One Nation Under God
these three precepts describe a once honorable American way of life

Help us restore them to a former grander
when once being American meant
In God We trust
God Bless America
one nation under God meant greatness never to be lost again

We can not
we will not lose this fight
if they succeed, those powers that be
who will they come after next
will it be me
will it be your children
will there be anyone left
when they come for you

and they will come
as if the very gates of hell had been opened. they will come as if a great plague
had befallen this very young and yet old great nation of ours.
but we as Americans will be waiting and we will give them one heck of a fight


I Wear The Cross Because ?

I have always admired
Those people who wear the Cross
Proudly displayed upon their chest
for all the world to see

For the longest time I could not do this
I felt so strange
I did not know why I felt this way
I love the Lord Jesus, and I followed in His Way

many wear a full rosary around their neck
I thought how brave this individual was able to be
Showing their love for Christ
In the way for all the world to see

Then it came to me
a whisper in my ear you see
I am proud to be A Christian
now is my time to show all mankind for to see

It is not a fashion statement
or perhaps as some would assume
but to me it shows all the world
I am a Christian, bound to Christ Jesus, to be apart of the brotherhood

Fashion statement, no
Statement of Faith, yes indeed


Father, Your People are calling Thee

Your people are calling
their arms raised high
You name imprinted on their lips

Your people are calling
they sing a song of praise
Dear God, please grow near, they pray

Father we need You
we sing a new song to hasten Your return
Our world is falling
Our hearts are failing
we fall to our knees
we call out to you, Abba

Our days have grown shorter
we sing a song of desperation
we search the heavens for Your return

We cry out loud, Abba
You have been gone so long
please return, Dear Father
we sing such a sad song

Your people need You
There is a sadness so deep
grown men begin to cry
is it now a time to weep

With out You
there is no hope, only defeat
there is nothing left of all mankind
if not for the promises
You said you will keep

if the days were not shorten
no man would be alive
some begged the mountains to fall upon them
so in fear they hoped to hide


When the time of your coming
has been revealed to the world
a new song will be sung
the time for the healing of all mankind,
has now begun to be full filled

When the time of Your Coming
Has been revealed to the world
A new song will be sung
The time for the healing of all mankind
has now begun to be full filled

Praise God, it has been full filled


Asking God for Help

The pain has reached its threshold
I could no longer go on
I cried out in prayer to my God
I cried out loud in torments song

I need You Mighty Father
the need in me is so strong
my soul in torment cries out, Father
I cry out in pains song

Dear Jesus I cried
my heart in my hands
tormented by pain
broken in half from the sadness and sorrow

Please take this pain away
I can no longer go on
This pain has grown unbearable
in torment I cry out in song

Dear Father I need You
I can no longer be strong
I need You to take me home
from this world of sad songs

One night while awake
I asked You for release
to take the pain from me
to give me final peace

That mourning I awoke
feeling better, feeling strong
the pain was still there
something was different, but not wrong

I realized He had touched me
gave me the will to go on
so much had changed that night
my soul now sings a Glorious song


The Father had touched me
and some how something inside had changed
the touch of God, can do that
I find I can live with my pain

I asked God to save me from this pain, and I could not go on any longer. I wanted to be released and to go home to be with Him. But that mourning I realized that I was able to live with that pain. but most important that God has work for me to be done. So I will stay. God Bless our God. for in all wisdom there is no other greater than He. Amen


It has somehow Changed

It has somehow changed
Something is just not like it used to be
It has somehow all changed

There was something in the air that night
You could almost say a sense of calm before the storm
Yes, there had been a change, can you feel it?

Was it because something had gone wrong
Something terribly wrong
Like the whole of this world gasped in disbelief

Something that night had been changed, something so incredible
something had changed into utter disbelief

On that night we were given back Hope
Something that we had lost for such a very long time.
A child had been born, Salvation a wondrous gift had been given us freely
Hope had been rekindled in sinners like we

In sinners like we
in sinners like we
In sinners like me!

Page# 14

Without Christ I can not Sustain

Without Christ I can not Sustain
Without renewal in Christ Jesus
I can not sustain the word of god that is within me

In Christ there is salvation
In salvation there is no other name to be reckoned
For in Christ Jesus there is no other.

He alone has given me reason
a reason to fight to survive another day
To fight the good fight

There is honor In His Name
there is Glory in his presence
His is all that is good, Is He not God?

Page #15

If Jesus said I Never Knew You

If Jesus said I never knew you!

How horrible would it not be
If Jesus said, I never knew you

My dear God just the sound of this on His Lips
Would leave you with your mouth wide open in lose of words

My God, to never have any hope of seeing you,
Of hearing you.
To never have any hope of ever being part of you, no more hope a dream then not realized.

To never full fill the dream of spending eternity with you
How horrible indeed would this be, with no hope of being with you.

I could never had anticipated those words you said
I never knew you, but I thought I was one with you

Did I not prophesy in your name
Did I not glorify you to others and preached to them of you

Was I not there every Sabbath
Did that prove nothing to you

I defended your name
Paid my tithing too.

After all this
You still say "I know not of you?

The realization
This horrible nightmare to be sure

Was just in a dream
I had last night

A nightmare of this to be assured

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A new day born, let this be another chance to be sure

To never have to hear those words upon your lips
I never knew you

How horrible would this indeed be to ever imagine to hear our lord and Savor say these words that would so terminally destroy ones soul than I never knew you. My God the lose of hope would be on such a grand scale the loss insurmountable.
Pray every day, let our father and lord know each day that they are on your mind always, God Bless ye all, Carl

Page #17

To look into the face of Jesus

What a wondrous thought
To look into the face of Jesus Christ
And to see the face of God.

can you imagine such a miraculous
image to behold.
And yet those who saw could never
imagine this personage that they beheld.

To have lived during such a moment in time.
When to see our savor in person and to know what we know now.
Though impossible since god would not allow such a thing.
Still never the less what a amazing moment in time this would be.
Just to be able to thank him in person for all that he has done, all that he had suffered for us!
Just to say thank you for given mankind hope.

And sometimes hope is all that there is
Hope for salvation
Hope for a better tomorrow
Hope in the forgiveness of sin through Christ Jesus.

We need Jesus in our lives every day, not only Sundays but all days. We would be so lost without Him. Keep Him in your prayers every day, always let him know that you are thinking of him and always remember to thank Him for all he has given you, God Bless you all, love Carl

Page #18

Decisions Current Tense

Wow, to this generation
For a decision must be made
Sides must be chosen, neutrality is not an option

This is the time of decision
It had been ordained from times past tense
Present tense, the word is now.

A decision must and will be made
All whom are alive must chose sides
There is no neutrality at this time, time has run out

There is no escape, not any more.
No shades of gray
Just your basic black and white.

We all new it was coming?
It had been prophesied for thousands of years
No excuse, since the Word had finally reached the entire world

The signs were always there
Just could not see them so close to our eyes
It was upon us like a thief in the night

We knew it was coming
Some for a while even said it was already hear
Yet why did we miss the very truth staring us in the face

What could we have been thinking
We were supposed to have been prepared.
Some were, thank God ,some were.

But were does that leave most of us
Those who would be the last left to be called
Were we so unaware of everything going on?

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But there was a hope
In this personage called The Christ
This redeemer of sins which we were all quality of committing

This hope, this man called Jesus
Was our only hope. All He asked us
Was to believe on He, who is the Son of God

Please dear friends in Christ give all you can, all your hearts love all your souls tenderness to the one they call The Christ. Our father so loved us that he gave His only begotten Son. All I ask is to trust in your heart and soul. give all that you are to Him, God Bless. love Carl

Page #20

The Wall Of Tears

The wall of tears

There is a wall
A great and sturdy wall
Built so long ago,
It has been lost in history

This wall was well known
And so very ancient,
yet so well loved
And so full of hopes, and tears.

This wall belongs to a people
In ancient days this wall stood massive
In ancient days this very wall was only
A tiny part of such a greater whole.

A wonderfully hand chosen people
There very roots reached back to the beginning times.
They were chosen by their God for a special purpose
They were chosen to be the progenitors of something
So wonderful, so radiant, they were touched by the very hand of their God.

They fought many wars in there history
A history so long, and so full of grandeur and yes grace.
When they followed their God's Laws and Ways they prospered
When they fell aside to life live as they chose fit, they lost it all.

They are a valiant people
Their wall ,so special, so unique
It was but a small part of who they were
It has now come to represent what they have become.
In this wall of rock and grumbling mortar
So old and so grand there shoots out message's on paper

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Prayers to their God in this most sacred of place.
Some even tear stained with tears of sadness.

But do not be worried
For this wall so grand and tall
Sometimes touched by passer bys
Smile, wink, so much more than sadness for all.

This wall, this rock
Will be rebuilt soon, some day close. I heard them say
A great and majestic temple will emerge.
To announce to the world of the greatest this day

These keepers of faith
We should hold them dear
They have suffered so much
in this we must be sincere.

Today we are separate, yet brothers
One day, what ever was divided will be made clear
We will be made, and whole, one people
One nation under God our King

We are one people,
I have to make this quite clear.
We were made heir to the promise
This great wall now binds us.

In God's eyes we are ever dear

Our strength as a nation, and as a people all depend on our relationship with God . Especially with our brethren the Jewish people. The wall will someday bridge that rift. Our strength as a nation depends on it. May God bless you all, love Carl

Page #22

Oh My God

Oh my God
I am so sorry
That we broke your heart

That we gave You back
When all you wanted was our love

We were as spoiled children,
Always hungry for more
Never quite full
Always with our hand out for more

I am so sorry
That we broke your heart

In a dream you showed me all that you felt
How betrayed, that your children had said
We do not need you anymore. We are better without

I am so sorry
I am so sorry Dear lord.

That all mankind has come on to this
For there will come
One more awakening. I can promise you this

For two thousands of years
We never got it right
For now we fear
Crossing into the light.

Our hands held out, empty
We have nothing for to show
All our empty promises of thanks
So full of emptiness
Bearers of now dead souls.
We have truly run out of time
Have we run out of time Dear Lord? Have we indeed reached the point of no return? is there indeed any time left for we mankind? Will time run out soon? Father we your children need You. Amen.

Page #23

This Menorah-Light Of God

Designed by the very hand of God
The menorah of 7 branches of hope and faith
A symbol that denotes a very peoples
This menorah of metal and flame

For it shall give light
For seven pillars of flame burn bright
This symbol of a peoples
These Seven Days of Creation

A light unto The Nations
Not by might
Not by power
But by My Spirit
As it had been written in the Book

A light shines today
Burning brighter than ever
This time as an omen
Of future days not gone by

The fight of an heroic peoples
Flight into the desert
From pharaohs sight
Present the 10 in Moses left and right

By the power of His majesty
The indwelling of the light
The design of His Temple
Seven candle sticks illumination of the night.

and so it lit the temple, so shall it light the very depths of our hearts, designed by the very hand of Our God. to serve as the temple light. Praise to Our Father creator of The Light. Amen.

Page #24

To Walk With God

To walk with God

I love you Lord
Just saying the words mean so much to me

You are my God
And I am Your child

And I love You so much
That at times tears form in my eyes

Tears of happiness and of joy
I want to walk with You, my lord

You are strong, and ever lasting
And all of creation is because of you

You show me Your Love
In all that You do

My Dear Father God, I love You

I read Your Words
And Your Spirit guides me

And the emptiness I once felt
Has been filled with Your ever lasting Love

I walked with You
In my dream last night

And We tell each other many things
And I hold nothing back from you, there is no need

For you are The Father
And I, your child

Please Dear Father
I ask You to walk with me, if only for a while.

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I do not normally ask of this, but I need to know these days if any of my words are being heard and understood out there? There is a need to bear witness which runs very deep in my soul. I want to share with all that will listen, of my love for Our Father, Our God. Please share with me your thoughts, your ideas, your witness!

God Bless You, and please let me know if you are out there, Carl

Page #26

When The Pain Takes Hold

When the Pain takes control

What do you do
When the pain gets so bad
That you wish that it would all end
That it will all end very soon

You call out to God
To end it all
To please take you home
And you wait
And you wait
And you hope

I am but this simple man
Fragile, covered with skin susceptible to the elements
Vulnerable, yes, especially to sin

I pray
Please release me
Let me begin to take the journey home
Let this pain stop,
Please end it all know

There are some days
That are less painful than others
The pain less, for what ever reason, unknown
Gives me hope of a better tomorrow

And I dear hope
For a better tomorrow
With a lesser pain
A pain more bearable to with stand

I find strength in You
Dear Father
I hold on to what Your Angle had told me
Remember it was a while ago

God loves you
He proclaimed

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Preserver, He said
Preserver he said, preserver

He told me
God Loved me
And what joy my soul did feel
My god, My Dear Father
What strength this has given me

There have been times
When the pain ran so deep
I would cry out no more
Dear God, no more, keep this from me

Then I remembered what the Angle had told me
I will survive, it will not over come me
I find that my faith in Him
Has overcome the pain in me.

when the pain gets out of control, I call upon father God to help me deal with the pain, deal with the hopelessness that I feel at times, he gives me strength to continue. Thank you Father I witness of You, Amen

Page #28

Would I Give My Life For You

Would I give my Life for You?

Would I give my life for You
For there is no other name
Under the heavens, than for Yours
If I was called, would I give my life for You

Some day, perhaps soon
Will it be asked of me
Will I be selected out of a crowd
Will I be called to be a martyr for You

Would I give my life for You

With all that you have done for me
Could not such a question be asked of me
I am so small and unworthy to be called
There could be but one such answer indeed.

Would I give my life for You

I have given you my all and everything
I have given freely of my soul to you
I have bore witness, and given my heart
All this, and more I have given You

Yes, I will give my life for You
Yes, in all that I do,
Yes, Dear Jesus I will give it all for You
Yes, I will give all for You

I pray that when and if the time comes that I will be called to fight for my faith, that I will have the strength to the end, and to have fought the good fight. at that moment the holy spirit in me will make me strong, though scared to die, better to die in Christ. and live with the father forever Carl

Page #29

No Weakness In Meek

No Weakness in Meek

You had been described as meek
And this rightly so
But you are the lion of Judea
This very story had been told

You who are strong and steadfast
And have given Your all
You had given Your own life
To save me, to save us all

You who had no sin
Your heart was always pure
You are the Son of The Father
Who was well pleased
That you were His very own

All glory to The Father
All honor to The Son
All praise to The Holy Spirit
All Three united as The One

I love You, Father

Page #30

The Bond That Is Prayer

The bond that is Prayer

Believe in God
With all your heart and soul
Develop a strong and powerful bond
Through that of daily prayer

Not only to say your prays at night
But say them several times a day
Thank our father always
Even if your day has gone the way side

Tell the Father
Thank you for helping me through it
Let him know how you really felt
Always be honest, let Him know
How you really feel, whether good or bad

I turn this day
Over to you O? Father
In all that I say and do
Always be with me Father
I put all that I am into You
All that I am into You

All that I am into You

How simple, how wonderful, give your heart to the Father, and pray, every day, several times a day, pray


For These Are My People

For these are my people
They are the children of God
Our Father, our Creator
We His children, choose God

We raise our hands
Upward to the ski
We sing, glory, glory alleluia
We Your children ,praise You on high

We willingly give ourselves to You
For we know You are The Father
For there is no doubt of that
For Your Spirit has touched our hearts

We sing praise
Voices lifted up on high
We sing in individual voices
Yet they are heard as one song

Glory, glory, alleluia

For God is our Father and king
We are the children of His Creation
Alleluia all we children sing
Glory, glory, alleluia we all sing

Page #32

Be Proud Of Me

Please Lord, be proud of me
Please nod your head and smile
Please tell me you have plans for me
That will strengthen my life time,
This starting now

You have been my protector
Shielded me from harm
Expected, that in return
I would place my full heart in your arms

I really want to please you
To make you proud of me
To shine as an example
Of what my God has given me

All I want is your happiness
To be so proud of me
The pride of a father to his son
Is all that I want of thee

Page #33

As Christians We…..

As Christians we

As Christians
We are given a challenge
An understood goal to meet

We are to serve
As an example for the world
An example of what a Christian should be

We must bare witness
Not only through that of words
But through the works of good

The world must see
How we serve our God
And how we live our daily lives

We must serve by example
To a disbelieving world
What true Christianity must be

We must show
A disbelieving world
How we come to find strength in Christ

How we conduct ourselves as human beings
Then to finally show by example
That we have this inner peace and strength

And this a gift from the Holy Spirit
This to bare witness
To our families, and friends, and to the world

They will see that we are Christians
And this by our very love
The love of our Creator God

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To spread this simple message
To love on another as the Father loves you
And finally to love Your God with all your heart and soul

This is the example that we must set
As Christians
Will you make that decision, will you say I do?

as Christians, will you say, I do

Page #35
Can You Imagine

Can you imagine
Try to think very hard
Every sin ever committed
Any sin that will be committed

Every falsehood
Every cheat
Every murder
Taken upon one mans shoulders

Can you even fathom
The degree of pain and sorrow
This man had cast upon Him

Then, in that moment being turned away
At that very moment when he took upon Himself
All sin that was and to be in this world

Then to have your very Father
Turn away from His very Son
They had never been separated
Separated since the very beginning of time

He hung there, His body broken
His soul calling out to the Father in such pain
Why have You forsaken me, he called aloud

The Father had to turn away
From the sin that was upon Him
How much sorrow they must have felt

How could we humans ever know
How could we ever hope to understand
If not for the very gift of The Holy Spirit

Page #36

How could we ever hope to ever understand

Praise, Jesus Christ,
All honor to Him that bore our sins upon The Cross
For His very death meant life for us

All honor and praise to Christ Jesus
He who is our Savor and our King
Our voices all cry out, Amen

Page #37

A Call For Peace Herd Across This Land

A call for peace

Man has called out to the heavens
Will there ever be peace
This Man has called out to the heavens
Will we ever know true peace

Is there any one out there
Anyone who will hear my prayer
Anyone that will answer my plead

Is there any one out there to hear this
Very prayer that I know make
Will any one out there hear me
Will I ever find an answer to my plea

If I know that there is something
Something out there that really exists

To keep this dialog
I must pray each and every day
Always with The Lord's Prayer first
To first give Him the praise that He deserves

I ask Him for insight
To turn from wrong to right
To keep my spirit on the road
The straight road towards the gate of light

Page #38 continuation of page 37

For all in all
I am a simple man at best
I truly give my heart and soul
Over to Him who knows me best

All I ask my fellow man
Is to embrace the Truth
Take Him by His hand
Give your very soul to Him, He the Father of man

Page #39

Amazing Grace, For They Sang From Their Souls

Amazing Grace,
For they Sang from their Souls

The church was crowed that day
Perhaps a bit more than usual, so I thought
And there was something in the air this very day
A little bit of something that I never felt before

The song selected, Amazing Grace.
A song I knew well and really identified with well
The song was sung rather slowly at first
And the further along it went it did not get much better

At the songs end, the Deacon cried out
Is this the best you folks can do
Sing from your souls he said. Think about each and every word
Sing from your soul like never before, just sing from the heart

We all looked at one another, and the elders began to smile
Perhaps remembering younger days so long ago
They each took the other by the hand and gave a little squeeze
They raised their arms up all at once, now they began to sing

Amazing Grace, how sweat the sound, that saved a wretch like me
The music was different, and amazingly so
Each person singing from their heart and the debts of their souls
And I remember grasping my neighbors hand a bit tighter.

Thinking to myself, were is this glorious sound coming from
And as we raised up our hands and looked towards the skies
The bag piper played as we each gave our all that day
And we all felt blessed by the presence of The Holy Spirit that day

Before our eyes the room grew much brighter
And we witnessed a blue swirling wind move about us
And before our eyes a blue flame appeared
Over our heads it danced with delight

Page #40 continuation of page 39

We knew it was The Spirit
The very Holy Spirit of our God
And it stayed till our song was finished
And slowly disappeared after we had sang our song

You see we gave our everything
In this song so very old, but so wonderfully true
There were many rebirths that day, a few new conversion too
Praise God in all His Glory, believe in Him every day

Give yourself completely. Each and every way.
Remember the Father loves us, His promises are always true
Just give of yourself completely
To yourself and to Him always be true.

I had to mention the bag pipes, for the instantly give you a feeling of old world feelings. warm and wonderful feeling that our God is so very near. And while this is a story, who knows perhaps some day in the future could come true. We are entering the last days of miracles, lets enjoy them like new. God bless you all and remember, pray, The Father would like to hear from you. Love you, Carl

Page #41

Faith Walkers

Faith Walkers

There was this group of mysterious men
Old and forgotten by modern man
They lived in the desert
They were called Essence, for they love God

They lived separate from all others
For they practiced the old ways of God
For there faith was strong and the were
The keepers of the word

For many years they lived alone and unbothered
For their lives were in devotion of the ways of God
For they were writers of the word of God
For they were the keepers of the wonders of our Lord

Yes they were Faith Walkers
There strength was in there faith and devotion
The Word was what they choice to live by
For they walked in the foot steps of there God

There came a time when they new something was to change
And they hide the written word in jugs of clay
For they knew in their hearts something had changed
And they knew they must due this to preserve this word of God for Latter Days

In the rock a hole they carved
The word of God was placed in safety
And they knew God had blessed them in doing this
For they were the children of their God

Then came the time of reckoning,
for they feared its coming and this rightly so
They gathered their families in one last great circle
For the time had come for those left to leave and never to return.

They had placed all their faith and very life's in there God
For there love of Him was pure and righteous
Then the time came for them to leave and for them to scatter
They knew they were never to return, for the job they were given had been done.

And the story was told of a young shepherd boy
Finding these holes being hand carved in these rocks
Chambers being found containing pots of clay to many to be counted
And so became a great time of discovery

The greatest treasure ever found, these Dead Sea Scrolls

They so loved their God and faithfully followed the words that He had laid out for them. The way to lead their daily life’s that honored The Father. Their devotion to The Word gave us a wonderful written record. The Dead Sea Scrolls. God Bless these men and woman, for their love of God was great and their hearts were full of The Spirit of God. Amen.

Page #42

Is Anyone Out There?

Is there anyone out there?

Is there anyone out there
That be leaves as I do
That this book called the Bible
Was once handwritten and is completely all true

Is there anyone out there
Who will stand at my side
Stand boldly and direct
Defend every word written inside.

Is there any one out there
That feels as I do
That the words in this book bring forth life
This book was written out of love for you.

An owners manual, I once herd it said
And I have to say that this must be true
God so loved his children
He gave His Written Word to all of you

In your heart, make a place for His word
And you will soon find your heart will grow bold
The words that you once read become part of your soul
And you will find this peace of heart you never new

Is there any one out there
That believes as I do
That cries out to The Father
In eyes full of tears, trembling lips too

We must gather or strength as never before
For the days are now shorter , our enemy at the door
His agents all around us, trying to make us all fall
But we as Christians are prepared to fight this war

This enemy is strong and knows all our weakness
But being forgiven of them through The Blood of Jesus
Has only served to strengthen us for this coming fight
He has forgiven us, strengthen us and placed us in robes of purist white

So begins the final battle, for the souls of all mankind
A war that we dare not lose, for we know for what we fight
We fight for our Master, For Jesus had given His All
We fight for the Love of Jesus, for in Him is The Light of Live for us all.

Is there any one out there? I am asking you this question right now.
Can you see that the times are changing and that something new and strange is in the air. And you ask yourself, Am I the only one who feels this, am I truly alone in feeling that something not right has begun. I look into the eyes of my fellow man, and see such a sadness, a sadness that runs so deep into there very heart and soul. And I wonder when the time comes will they be able to know the difference between right and what is truly wrong. Truly unbiblical, and to know the difference between what is real Christian doctrine and what has been twisted by the very enemy to make it appear correct and right. Is there anyone out there? Amen, Carl

I am asking you as one Christian to another to please e-mail me with what you think, do you also feel something in the air. please feel free to let me really know what you feel and maybe I will not have to ask any more, Is any one out there? God Bless you my friends. With Love and Respect, Brother Carl. Amen Friend, Amen

Page #43

The Sadness

The Sadness

There is a great sadness that I feel
This feeling goes so deep into my very being
And I ask myself, how have we gotten so very lost
And you know the answer is very simple

So much of mankind has turned away from God
You see it in there faces, void of all hope
So many in the deepest of depressions
So very many have given up all and any hope

I look forward to the Coming of Jesus Christ
And what a great day indeed will that be
We, mankind need Jesus so very much
Yet so much of us are blind to this

I am so blessed to have realized this
And not on my own, but only through Christ Jesus
Have I realized this
I have such a deep hunger in my soul for Him

Jesus, we need you
All mankind cries out for this very Savoir
Our very hope can only be realized in Him
Who the Father in His Wisdom has sent us

The time must be now
We must turn over our everything to Him that is near
We must give up our hearts, and very souls over
For in Christ Jesus lies the Hope of all mankind.

Page #44

The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm

The world as we knew it
Has now ended, what was, will never be again
All that we had once, is now forever gone
For we are now on the run, to save our very life's

The question must be asked, will we find a place to hide
And will we be able to then, even survive the coming storm.
We find that we must travel by night
It has become the only safe way we can now travel

We can be too easily seen in the light of day
For we do not bear the mark of the beast
There for we must hide ourselves in fear of him
He ,who would destroy us for what we carry in our hearts

For we carry the truth of the resurrection of Christ
And we are branded with our God's name in our foreheads
We will now be tested in the fires
Our hearts and souls must be made right before The Lord

Our number is that of 144,000, so we were selected
We are part of the last and great redemption of mankind
So it had been written in the book of Life so very long ago
We were chosen for the last and greatest revival of these end times,
For we carry the very power of God in our souls

For with this name written upon our heads, we have know learned
The beast can no longer hurt us chosen of God
For we are here, our very existence proof our God exists
We have been chosen to witness to those that were left behind

This, the last great revival has begun
For we preach the word as it was never preached in times before
For we carry the very brand upon or foreheads, and this beast has no hold over us anymore

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For the last and greatest fight over mankind's very collective soul will now
be fought

And this beast, devil of old,
will consume all those that will not concede to bear his mark
and thus join his retched ranks of the impure and sick in deeds
We as men of God will never give in, never

The price of our human souls is to great
The love of our Father much to strong
We must engage in this fight to save those souls, left behind
So, now this fight begins.

Page #46

Book Of Sorrows-Chapter One

Book of Sorrows-Chapter One
(Revelations comes alive)

Some said the time was near
Others were doubtful and really did not seem to care
It had all been said and done before
Every century, it was said was the one, to be the Final, but it never did happened

Some others even said it did happen, some two thousand years ago
But since we did not keep good records back then,
it was somehow over looked and forgotten
And these were men of learned ways, so they tell us!

It will be a time of great sorrows
A time never to have been endured by man
That even Hitler would seem as a child compared to this beast
Possessed by the very spirit of the devil himself, yet still man.

Like the birth pains of a Woman
Time and after time, plus that
As all these natural disasters will continue to grow
All falling on back to back, then they will fade to black

The book will be opened, in the last generations, was it not foretold
That a beast will arise out of a political ocean
For it's followers will carry his number
Stamped on there foreheads and hands, they will boast

A third of all mankind destroyed from the start
For the years have been numbered,
Seven in their total, three point five peace to start
He will then call himself a god. Blasphemies from his evil heart

Page #47

Wow, to this lost civilization
Wow to those children conceived but never allowed to be born
Wow, for several of these lost children would have cured cancer and so much more
Sent from God above, yet killed by men from below

Man has always had the power to turn away
Turn their heads towards God, yet so stubborn,
Slaves given over to sin natures, Jesus could only take away
God forgives us, because we have gone so astray.

We have to all realize
That our time on this earth is indeed so very short
Be aware my children, for we know now that Wormwood will for sure fall, taking with it one third of it all.

These words of wisdom, written so very long ago
The book of this Revelation, now opened, was it not for told.
You have been told to watch , then listen
And all these things this generation will be hold

On bended knee, please pray to God.
For with out The Blood of Christ Jesus,
Not only will our life's , our very souls will be lost.
Awake from this sleep, yes, the beast has come.


Page #49

Worm Wood-Part One

Worm Wood-Part One

There had been strange rumblings
This for quite a long while
Those in power new that something was coming
When asked were from, they all pointed, fingers pointing straight up into the ski

Now there had always been talk
That perhaps some day a near miss
And one for sure they knew off, some say perhaps more
Well they say they new one wiped out all those dinosaurs

But this is just talk, science fiction at best
Doomsday scenarios with all the best technical effects
Yet was this not read, in the Book of Life?
A star would fall from the heavens, destroying on third of all its inhabitants, one third of all human life

Destroying one third of all the fresh waters
Destroying one third of all plant and animal life
This planet Earth as we knew it
All this once created would lose its cohesion in just one plight

We had all been warned
For it had been written in the ancient texts
That Mother Earth would be smitten
By this evil from the black heavens on an unknown night

For the name was even given
Words of horror and grief
So much of this so called human kind
In but one day would now be deceased

We are now entering turbulent and dangerous times. And never as before are we so unsure of what our tomorrow’s will hold. Yet we have been foretold these things to come. Watch for the time is nigh, watch and be prepared.
Page #50

The Seal Has Been Broken-Chapter One

The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One

This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past

The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken

Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out

Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail

When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact

We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground

We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of
Page #51

How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love

As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father's All

Has the first seal been broken? Some say yes, it has begun. Prepare my children, for truly the time has come.

Page #52

Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One

This generations Last Stand-Chapter One

For we are at One, One Nation once more
For this time, will be our last time
We as a People, a Nation of Souls will fight
No more will we be dispersed among the nations any more

We once The People of a Great Nation
Dispersed among all the nations
For a call has come out from Israel
Our Mother has called all of Her Children to come Home

Israel, O' Israel
Calling all your Children once more to come Home
This will be Our Greatest Glory
We will rebuild The Third Temple, never to be destroyed any more

For we are an Ancient Peoples
For we have preserved The Written Word and Traditions of our God
For we are a Chosen people
First but not the least of His children of our Father God

For Us, this very Generation
Yes, we can feel it deep, rising in the blood
For it is this Generation, O' Israel
For it is We that Speak, Never again, Never again will We back down

A Generation, This Generation, Never again will they be taken away from their beloved Israel. Like Masada this generation will fight to the death rather than to ever be forced to leave there God given Home. God Bless You O ‘Israel

Page #53

The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One

The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One

This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past

The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken

Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out

Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail

When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact

We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground

We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of

Page #54

How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love

As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father's All

The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come

This creation called mankind
How hard do they fight to exist?
Do they not yet realize?
That what little time they will have to make this a finale peace

Seven Seals that must be broken
Each carries an arrow and a tear
A young mother for here unborn children cries
While a red-hot arrow tip splits the skin

We had all been warned
For there is not one excuse
We can not rest on what was once done yesterday
For in the now is all we can do

Say your prayers, my dear children
For all that is said, will all this come to truth
For the ski will have fallen, it's name is Wormwood
Say your prayers my dear children

For it has been written
For you all know this to be true
For it has been written in The book of Life
Please look for yourself, it is fact and it is truth

page #55

Wormwood Part 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese

Worm Wood-Part One

There had been strange rumblings
This for quite a long while
Those in power new that something was coming
When asked were from, they all pointed, fingers pointing straight up into the ski

Now there had always been talk
That perhaps some day a near miss
And one for sure they knew off, some say perhaps more
Well they say they new one wiped out all those dinosaurs

But this is just talk, science fiction at best
Doomsday scenarios with all the best technical effects
Yet was this not read, in the Book of Life?
A star would fall from the heavens, destroying on third of all its inhabitants, one third of all human life

Destroying one third of all the fresh waters
Destroying one third of all plant and animal life
This planet Earth as we knew it
All this once created would lose its cohesion in just one plight

We had all been warned
For it had been written in the ancient texts
That Mother Earth would be smitten
By this evil from the black heavens on an unknown night

For the name was even given
Words of horror and grief
So much of this so called human kind
In but one day would now be deceased

Page #56

Worm Wood Part Two
This Planet is dying

For this Earth so rumbled
Mighty winds blown across these lands
Very mountains crumble down to mere pebbles in minutes
This great earth shakes so very hard, but for that of but another moment it will end

For this had never happened
For at least since any records had been kept
Even the very islands
Slipped into the waters, these shaken waters did not relent

For every raised surface had been shaken
As never before had there ever been such an event
Not one high place would be standing
For not any low or high places would there be left

An entire civilization
All that would have been called the very best of man
All shaken to their very foundations
All once built upon rock has turned into sand

Have we been caught unguarded?
Were we not aware of such an event?
Was it not written in the very Book of the Heavens?
Were not the words, the Truth God sent

The only word that I may leave you
Please make sure you always say your prayers
For there is one that hides in the shadows
Whose day has yet to be known, for he has been watching for years

Page #57

Masada Chapter 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese

This generations Last Stand-Chapter One

For we are at One, One Nation once more
For this time, will be our last time
We as a People, a Nation of Souls will fight
No more will we be dispersed among the nations any more

We once The People of a Great Nation
Dispersed among all the nations
For a call has come out from Israel
Our Mother has called all of Her Children to come Home

Israel, O' Israel
Calling all your Children once more to come Home
This will be Our Greatest Glory
We will rebuild The Third Temple, never to be destroyed any more

For we are an Ancient Peoples
For we have preserved The Written Word and Traditions of our God
For we are a Chosen people
First but not the least of His children of our Father God

For Us, this very Generation
Yes, we can feel it deep, rising in the blood
For it is this Generation, O' Israel
For it is we that Speak, Never again, Never again will we back down

Page #58

Masada Chapter Two
This Our Final Stand

For these fifty plus years we have labored
Reclaimed the Deserts with our sweat and our blood
Out of these barren rocks we built our cities
These foundations we know they will not ever rot

We have welcomed back our Peoples
Searched this earth from high and low
We have found what treasure had been taken from us
We will not let our past ever be taken or forgotten, or let go

This time, this time
We as a Nation of Jews, Say No!
For this will never do for never more we proclaim
It is death till this the end, we have pledged in our hearts to make

In finale proclamation
We the nation of The Jew
We shall fight till the end of everything
Or we shall die in making this true.

Page #59

In Search Of Perfection
© By: Carl Coglianese

In Search of Perfection

This question I find must be asked
Is mankind capable of creating perfection?
This question I find just must be asked out loud
Is he, man capable of such a creation of fact?

How arrogant
This creature called man
Who will actually boast?
Of his perfect creations only just thought of, yet

While in the realm of truth
And written in the Word of The Way
Perfection, such a thing, from mere men
Man has no perfection, for it was never ever found in him

How dear we mere human beings
Be so boastful in our hearts
What perfection, have we created?
Will you be able to show me, does such perfection have a heart?

What indeed can we show?
What is our very worth?
These last two thousands and plus years
Is there anyone who can show me perfection works?

Sometimes we are such foolish children
So proud of what we create
So much like our little handprints
On sheets of white paper, first created as children long ago

Page #60

This is when what we created
In our innocence of all that we thought that we knew
When in fact our greatest creation
Were those very handprints as children we drew

For here we stand to proclaim our intentions
We would be nothing if not for the Love of You

For on bended knee we find ourselves
We give Glory and all praise to you
So foolish our need for perfection
For all that is perfection is You

Page #61

Teach Me To Pray

Teach me to Pray

Teach me how to pray
So that I may better understand
Teach me how to pray
That I may take the first of many steps

Lead me in the right direction
So that I may do what is right
I want to talk, and ask Him things
I just want to let Him know I am thinking of Him this night

I was once taught how to pray
How to pray but when I was but a child
That was so very long ago, you can see
But to be honest, I just some how forgot just how

I need you to guide me
And to please show me the way
I so much want to talk with you
Please, Dear Father shows me the way


Show me the way Father
Sow me, show me the way
Teach me to fall upon my knees
Show me; show me the way to pray

Then for not any reason
I began to think
The truth was right there in front of me
Could this have been for Heavens sake?

I never realized it fully
I had been doing it all a long
When ever I would talk I had been praying
I talked to you as my Father, I was your son

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For you are my God and my Father
For praying is simply saying, I love you
Praying, is communication universal
Between son and The Father, Blessed by You.

Please teach me how to pray. When a person, especially a child asks for the first time how to pray is the best of the best. You will help them open a closed door. A door once open that will always stay that way.

Page #63

A Matter Of Interpretation

A Matter Of Interpretation
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Caleb)

A Matter of Interpretation?

It had been discussed at quite length
Scholars thought that there interpretation
Was the correct one of course?
Correct maybe if The Holy Spirit was not in you

Could these men of many learning's
Could they themselves be led astray?
Wasn't there something about running too and fro
Something about so much knowledge that it was meaningless this day

After all, is it not the center of most discussions?
Is it not what all the so-called Scholars say?
After all they all have their diplomas
There diplomas that say they know what they say

Look they are all saying the same thing
It is temporary at the best
Yet I have herd it said that they were preparing
By digging holes in the ground for them to soon stay, a place of safety a place of rest?

They had a scientific quorum
For all the best of the best did show that day
For it was the time to make discussions
For they had calculated the coming last day

All the ancient books had been open
Gather in columns all segue
Notebooks of written words upon papers
Formulas discussed then reissued then all confused

Page #64

Nothing made any sense anymore
Basic truths up heaved and defused
It had become like Babble once again
This time science, technology, we had abused

There was nothing left for us to fight for
No greener to take in, any flowers left, only gloom
We a people had lost our way, somehow we had been betrayed
All hope to us was lost; we were but only the fools, left so confused, left so crushed

What in Gods very name were we thinking?
What kind of delusions had we all been under
Why did all of this so-called Mankind become so fooled?
What in the very depths of our evil hearts had we sunk too

We are but fools
We have been given paradise
And we gave it all away but for the thought of becoming like very gods
What in the very name of creation had we done, I had cried out in disbelieve

Our science had failed us
Technology lay in ruins, staked up in piles of twisted plastics and metals
Grotesque metal sculptures remain
They warn us of yet another evil to come

We are now being taunted by voices unseen
And the very air around us has grown thick with mistrust
For we, mankind know the end is coming very near
Can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck?

The Seals have been open, do we dear to assume which?

Every were you look you know see the downfall of mankind. We always knew that this day will come, and perhaps soon or maybe a little bit latter. But be smart, invest more of your time in talking to God, thank Him every day for the good life he has given to you. Just check in now and then, that's all, love Carl

Page #65

No One But The Father Knows

No one, but the One
Knows the time and of That Day

We had been told
And this righteously so
For here in black and white had been written
Yet but several millennia or so ago

For it has been my understanding
That this very Christ Jesus did not even know
For that time and place was for one only to know
This is God The Father; He was only to have known

So my children please be weary
Of those who claim that they know
The time and place for the time
Of our Christ Jesus to finally come home.

For you will hear rumors
For many will boldly proclaim
That they have received a special foreknowledge
To me they are to be considered deranged

So when you hear stories
of the coming time and the place
Please open up your bible
The Holy Spirit will show you the place

For no one knows
And you can trust this most trustable of sites
For it has been written in your Bible, This Book of all life
For our Father God only knows, can you deny that He is right?

So please do not worry about the Mayan colander saying it will end , that is the world on May of 2012. I have it on good authority that only one Father knows for sure of that date. So please don't worry I am positive that it will not end that day, I promise Carl

Page #66

When The American Dream Died

When the American dream died
(The death of a dream)

They, said it was such a surprise
What form of logic could ever have dictated this?
Such a thing in this, our country
This, this thing called The American, the American dream

Greed, had ruled this our country
From the hand of so few
Had destroyed so very many
How could we have allowed this? But we did

they had said
this is ok, go and do it
every one else was doing it
They were never caught, so it was said

Then on that faithful day
If you could dare call it faithful
The balloon had busted
And the insects scattered like a cat had come into the room

This thing, this creature
Who we dare to call it profit
Yet shall we call it by the creatures real name
Thou shall call it Greed.

For this was the American Dream
For what we work for and aim for all our lives
This tangible , so purely American Dream
For it had gone bad. Sour bad.

My Dear God, how have we lost so much
Why has The Dream been shattered into so many pieces
How did we let this monster gain so much power
How could this, our country have slipped so much into decay?
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We had walked away from our first love
We had forgotten what this place called America was about
We were founded on simple principles way back then
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness was our dream

The mighty THEY,
Slowly took those things of greatest value away
So slow, so deliberate, we did not take notice
Till we did take notice and it had been taken all away

For the most wanted dream
This American Dream was to own your own home.
Once the way to measure ones accomplishments
Now nothing but an empty dream of bygone days now lost to time

You have herd the principle of cause & effect
You take away God from the equation,
this the principle reason for this country being established
Common greed takes over and sin abounds every where

Please Father God
I ask You to hear my prayer
To forgive us this nation for moving away from You
You, our first Love had inspired us to become a Nation
Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all who call this America, our home

Forgive us for our sins, for they have become many
Take away this our greed and bring us back to our former Love
That Love being You

We have lost so much in this country because we have lost our first love. The Love of Father God. We are losing to much ground as Christians and we need to pray so much more that Father God forgives us as a nation for forgetting the very reason that we were founded upon. Please, give us back our Ten Commandments, give us back our In God We trust in our Nations pledge, give us back merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. give us back the American Dream to afford and own our own Homes. Please Dear Father God, hear my prayers.

Page #68

The Hall Of Souls

The Hall of Souls
The Guff

Located in the 7th Heaven
This the place of the unborn soul
This place of rest before it's Birth
This place called the Hall of Souls

It has been said
That only the Sparrows can see
The souls decent from this 7th heaven
For their songs tell of their birth they can see

Their songs for they are joyous
For they the Sparrows can only see
For this they were born to sing their songs
To announce to the Earth of the souls God has let them see

For this story has been told
From generations from the distant past
For in that one day soon coming
The Guff would be empty, the last soul had passed.

For this is not a warning
Of a tragedy that will come past
For it will be the coming of Christ Jesus
On this day to full fill this the last soul to have passed.

Page #69

And So It Begins

And So it Begins

It was an ordinary day
Or so it was thought of at that time
For there would latter be seen
An anomies site in the skies

It had grown quite windy
The ski appearing this unusual greenish brown
Could this have seemed quite normal
Yet with the winds grew a murmur in the watching crowd

It looked as if the very heavens
Had begun to rumble and trickle down
What seemed like hail had started
Yet it was burning when it hit the ground

For at first it was an oddity
Something to make the evening news that day
For then the ground began to rumble
The trees even they began to sway

We have all seen plane trails in the heavens
Cries cross they did often in the skies
But for this time they were different
They appeared like blood trails written in our very own eyes

Then something began to happen
A fear filled the very harts of man
For in the skies above this world it had happened
Appeared this blood colored Cross in the skies, seen in all of lands

What could this mean?
Was it a sign from above
Is this a sign from the Heavens
My God, it appears to be written in blood

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This sign appeared in the heavens
Seen by every soul through out this old world
Then the realization hit all mankind
For this sign in the heavens was indeed for real

As suddenly as this Cross appeared
The skies grew dark and dismayed
For then a cold wind blew around the world
The cross grew light and faded away

Something did indeed happen
For in a few days did a new sign begin
For now The Three days of Darkness came
For this had been prophesied, not that so long ago before the end

Now it is up to you, my children
To find your way and to understand
To search the books of prophecy
To explain these words you have read.

In this new old age of the internet, please take out the time and look up the prophecy of the Three Days of Darkness. For it is up to you to understand.

Page #71

Oh, What Kind Of Tree?

Oh, what kind of tree

Well, we knew it was coming,
But did not now were it would first show its face
Something so very simple
Turned out such a disgrace

Who would have thought?
That such a simple little thing
Would start this Christmas season rolling
Down hill this first season, do you think?

Wake up America
The time is now hear
To get off your couch potato bottom
Roll up your sleeves, we got a fight going on here

We cannot use words like Christmas
For this, that it may offend
Perhaps a few thousands of people
Across this Great nation it may not amend

Happy Holidays is the cry now herd out loud
No more Christmas, it is simply not allowed
Welcome generic Holidays is the cry of the day
Better be careful, you might be taken away

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
Once song across this our land
You all had better be careful my children
This may be the Season they take away our Easter Ham

You have to ask yourself, is there beginning to be a change. are those simple things in life slowly being taken away. They took the ten Commandments and hide them out of sight. they want to take away In God We trust on our money and now they take away our Christmas tree, opps Holiday bush. when will it stop? will it stop?
Page #72

Who Is Your God?

Who is your god

Who do you worship
Who is your god
Is it Newman Marcus
Could it be rodeo drive

Who fills the empty void
So deep in your soul
Does it deal with happiness
Only a half off sale can Full-fill

Do you pay homage, to the gods of low interests percentage
Do your interests peak when stock markets boom
Do you pray to the temple of wall-street daily
Due your plastic flowers ever lose their bloom

Is your god very demanding?
Does he always expect payment when due
Does your heart flutter wildly
When 90 days same as cash will cause it to

Now answer me honestly
It is important that you do
Will your god forget you, when the banks begin foreclosure,
Will your god of finance be there for you?

Page #73

The MEANING OF LIFE-is Not Greed

Is Not In Greed

It is all about the journey
All about the journey this is the truth
God in His Mighty Wisdom
Created The Book, for it had been written for you

It is all about the Journey,
All about the journey on our way home.
To maintain ourselves stead vastly
On that long and narrow road to home

For we are out casts
from our once garden home
We were convinced we new better
We were indignant of His thrown

What foolish children we seemed to all be
Oh yes we new better
How foolish could this one be
To think we new better than The Creator, He

For there was once a time, we had walked with Him
In this garden we called our home
He gave us Dominion, but we wanted it all for our self's
We had every thing we ever could have wanted, but still wanted more

This creature known as greed
Runs deep in our blood
But for those who trust in Jesus
Greed has no hold on any one of us

For if we but have the faith
Of the mustered seed, so small, barely seen
Oh yes, we could move mountains, we could
Have kept that American Dream

page #74

Has This, The End, Come?

Has this, the end, come?

Low and behold
A door was herd being opened
And but for a brief moment
All the entire universe had stopped, paused as if to take its final breath

For now a great and somber cry was heard
It has begun, was the cry
For these words have traveled
Such black and empty skies.

For they have found there way
They have come through the blackest of black skies
For a terrible void had become created
From the very blackest of space did this evil arrive

It was as if the entireness' of the universe
Had been shaken so violent, so hard
That the very foundations of all the atoms
Had been corrupted buy some wormhole viruses from the blackness off the skies from thee above

The very universe was realigning
For whatever reason, yet unknown
The sparkle of the stares began to fail
The heavens themselves, one by one failed

Then those that come out
Those profits of modern day doom
Carrying their signs of redemption held high
For all those lost souls still so confused

Repent! read these whitest of white washed signs
Bold, blacken letters proclaiming this, the coming end, so very true
Prepare yourselves, proclaimed this prophets of the newest
For this, the time of redemption, now falls upon you

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And so began, the downfall
Once , strong and undisruptive foundations now shaken savagely loosen
Brought on such moral as well as physical destruction
Not one of a billion, billion, would not, one escape

For the time of redemption had finally come
Come to this very earth so corrupted and decayed
For than was it herd, the saddest of songs now sung
The gates of heaven have become closed, for it has been done

Now this is but a story
For yet these things mentioned will for sure come
The very foundations of the heavens will rattle
Mankind will have reached their end, yes it has come

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For We, Who Had Lost Our Way

For we
who have lost our Way

Oh my Dear Father God
How, we your children need you so
We have lost all direction as well as our hope
Dear Father God were do we go?

Of coming destruction and death and war
And the cries of woman & children being herd on high places
Voices of fear and desperation carried by winds of regret, of war

All wisdom has become useless
Tried and true methods all withered and failed
Once great science, held upon marble pedestals
Have long ago crumbled ,worn and gone stale

Dam those to hell
Was the curse pronounced on withered lips
Every thing had so, gone so very wrong
Would there be any one left to proclaim mans last witness?

For they sang, they danced, made music from their lips
While what ever goodness had been left in this world
Had been ripped from us, one sudden day, like this
When so many of those strange Christian ones suddenly did now exist

Nothing to worry about, so they did say
More for us lucky ones, that did not go mysteriously away
There will be more food for us, These crazy uncertain days
Besides, a different kind of lottery would start this coming day

Lucky numbers, meaningful numbers,
We all had these numbers we liked to play
Bet much money, on numbers that we had hunches on all day
Little did we know how one such a number would lead us to our graves.
We have herd the term, high rollers

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For so many of us like to play these games
For the price on this bet would cost the high dollars
For this dark and bloody number would follow, these foolish mortals, these games that they choose to play

The number 666 would end up as their markers
The markers that would mark their graves.
For they choose their moments of glory
For in men's eyes they found there glory
as they burnt in hells flames

There is a reason for this my story
For the truth of it all still remains
That when you turn your back on the Father
Thee devil is patient, he will see you at your grave.

Page #78

A Prayer From My Soul Sent To My Fathers Heart

A Prayer from my Soul
Sent to my Fathers Heart

For this Father is a prayer from my heart
A prayer that I cry out to you
A prayer that can only be answered from you
A prayer from my heart to you

To you who are my Father
From me, one of your many earthly sons
I Reach out to you, from that of a child's heart
For a prayer turns to song from my heart to that of Yours

I love you so very much, my Father
For there is no greater than that of You
For Your very Love is the radiant energy
That binds all this which was created by you

I have always known of Your presence
I have felt this awesome power from the above
I have felt your arms in circle me always
For in me, the power of Your Holiest Spirit, in me has evolved

I pray to you always
For to me you are The father I never have been allowed
For I had no father on this earthly realm
For You are my only True Father I have known and loved.

Before I went to sleep last night
My heart was full of happiness and love
For in my heart and soul Dear Father
You are my greatest Pride & joy

The biggest part of my day, is the end of my day. when I get into my bed and get relaxed and pat the doggies heads. then I say my nightly prayers. This is so important to me to have this time to talk to my Father God. To tell Father that I love Him, and thank Him for the day He has given me. To thank Him for a good day or thank you for getting me through a bad one. then I ask for His wisdom and understanding and become a better son to Him. Then one more time thank Him with my whole being, I love you Father, Amen

Page #79

The Falling Away Of America

The Falling Away of America

Things were changing in this country
It had been taking place for quite a long while
You would have to have been a blind man not to have noticed
For even a blind man in this case would have been able to tell

There had been an air of mystery
So I had herd some of them have been herd to say
Yet was it not this America
Were we not founded in God's very Grace?

To separate this Church from state
Or so they who make policy proclaimed
For was this our founding father's did this create
To never not do this combine a church of the state?

Why did not our own pre-history did tell
From once in England did we dwell
Did England by it's very law
Have one state religion for all of the all
Was not this the reason we left from English shores?

For now we find that we have fallen away
We have lost our 10 commandments, taken away
In God We Trust, we are afraid to use
What else will the state take away
What American words will we now be unable to use?

We are falling away, from The American Dream
Will America lose God's Grace
God's very Grace that had made us all free!
Will our Father God's very Love be turned away from we?

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For we once were such proud Americans
For this was the land of the brave and the free
Yet something evil did one day did this come
For now can we still say that we are free?

We have to get back to basics
For at this time we are still brave and yes free
Yet we still must bow on bended knee
To ask forgiveness, to that of He, Father God, you see

Is it now too late?
Can we turn back time to a better day?
Is there hope for one last hope?
An America return to former glory?

Will we turn back our allegiance back to Father God?

Is it now too late?
Can we turn back time to a better day?
Is there hope for one last hope?
An America return to former glory?

Will we turn back our allegiance back to Father God?

Page #90

The Burning Of The Sun

The Burning of the Sun

Has it already begun?
Are we not at the very abyss
Can we not already feel the very bright heat of the sun

For it had been said
For one third of all the earth shall be scorched
For also one third of all life will soon die, from the burning of the sun

It was foretold to use,
Those who would be alive to see that day
We must watch the skies and not to give into our fears
That our hearts that day might not die from fear

Now, right now ,fall to your knees and pray
Raise your hands to the skies and cry out loud
Father, Please let this not happen
Please forgive us, your children
Please forgive us, our sins

Please spare use these coming horrors
Of what we understand that has been foretold to us to come
It had been once written in a book of olden days
To bow your head in reverence, open your heart and pray
Give us one last chance Dear Lord, give us one more day

There is a lesson here, please understand what I say
There is still hope, but if we only pray

The power of prayer is so important as we as children of Father God understand. Please pray for America to go back to its first love and that is the Love of God. Please pray that God forgives us for forsaken him in this once great and powerful country. it is never to late to fall on your knees and pray, please for Americas sake pray, love Carl

Page #91

To This Creation Known As Mankind

To this Creation known as Mankind

I am asleep, yet I am watching myself
I am asleep, yet aware of myself sleeping right here before myself
Yet I must ask myself, how can this be?

Has he awaken yet?
Have you seen his eyes open
Is he able to comprehend
What is he know seeing, perceiving?

Oh! this abstract creature of contradictions
Given the very label of man

There was this picture
He had seen it in a book once
There was this ancient building in this photograph
for such buildings as these no longer exists

Not before that time it was this
Not before the law of nothing to be revered
Nothing sacred left to give hope
I find I must ask myself did these places ever exist?

Then I see a box on the floor next to me as I sleep
Then I see a tear in the corner of my eyes even as I sleep
I realize that this person, I am, is so sad and so very alone
And I understand why I see tears and I cry.

This person I was, sadly was, for what do I see
I can now realize that person lying there is dead
Even so as I stand here and speak, he is dead
Then it comes to me, I understand every thing!

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In my younger days, when I was still alive, and I felt, something
I remember I wore robes of brown and wooden looking beads
So I wore the uniform of a once old and forgotten tradition
No longer allowed to exist, in these the new times of man

Today was to be different
A plan once conceived, now prepared to perform
No one else has been left alive to perform these old rights
Old, worn out forgotten words ,uttered in a dead and ancient language.

Would their be any one left in the Heavens
To even be able to look down and understand
There was a box hidden in the wall, hidden from prying eyes
What it might contain would scare and paralyze today's leaders of man

Today's leaders of man,
An oxymoron for sure to even suggest
For all civilization had degenerated so bad
No love, all hate, no god's, but I man!

In this box, now open
I laid it's contents out on the bed
A strange robe, an ancient book, other strange implements
These things I was seeing what were they, what had they meant ?
I would never ever begin to understand what was ahead

There was this cross and upon it a figure of a man
Some writing on a plaque above his head
A bottle filled with liquid, so pure, you could see through
Oh what could this all mean to this man, who never knew.

I opened this bottle and rose it to my lips
The water seemed salty, yet some how enriched
What is this I feel, I do not understand
Who was this man and what does he command?

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For then as in a moment of the once blinding sun
Arose in me such feeling of great remorse and overwhelming sadness grew
I have been here before and I understood what must be know done
And I broke down and cried what have we mankind such foolishly have done?

Once again in that moment of the blinding sun was I found
I woke up alive on that floor, death had not yet won
I could still fill the tears had not dried in my eyes not gone.
I gripped the box and contents along.

I know knew what needed to be finally done!
The final days of reckoning now to begin
The very last sunset seen
The very last dawn now done.

See, I was the last of a Holy Order
Once there were many, now there is but the one
Now I say the last mass upon this earthen city
This the last mass of the dawn

For on this last day
Just as it were to dawn
I spoke the last Mass given by the last of the earthly priesthood
For know all mankind's rules be done

When the Mass I had finished, this ancient of rights now performed
The darken clouds vanished revealing the brightest of sunshine
For this was now the last of days for mankind, that will have dawned
The devil, the flesh, sin, on this Earth will have not have won

For the last of God's Priesthood
The last Holy Sacrament had been performed
The Earth's long dead final outcry
The Second Coming of Christ Jesus had Come.

Page #94

Have We Just Walked Away?

Have we just walked away?

Oh my dear Father God
For what have us, mankind done?
Why Have we sinned so greatly
Why do we have no remorse?

We just walk away
With our hands raised to heaven
As if to ask you why!
For in reality it is us that should ask, why have we failed you and walked away

We have some how lost our conscience
Was this because we just did not care
Or did we ever care.
Or is this the time of sorrows that was predicted so long ago

I have herd them say that God is dead
Even now men of great learning even question
If God even ever lived before
Perhaps He died, or maybe he never was in the first place

How can mankind walk away from all that God has given
Why Can't we even see Him in Nature any more these days
Even nature has abandoned us and gone quite crazy
Volcanoes, earth quakes, tidal waves run amok, making no sense any more these days

The time is know,
That we must make our stand
To awake from this dream of complacence
For in reality we created in the first place

Even the very stars in Heaven begin to fall
The sun grows brighter and hotter much more these days
We now have such things as solar storms
Solar winds coming to threaten our man made ways

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Even our very science has begun to fail us
Even the very earth beneath us begins to thrust ever forward
For now there is no special safe place for us to escape
It seems that very nature revolts in our wake

And yet we still raise up our clenched fists to the heavens
As if in disbelief and we want to say
Damn the heavens above this earth as they blacken
Damn this very earth that shakes

What will it take for this generation
When will they wake up to realize their gruesome fate
How much more can this old planet Earth continue
Until this last generation wakes up and realizes it is all ready to late.

Page #96

Please Let The American Dream Still Be.

Now is the time to Pray

If you can my friend
Please fall to your knees and pray
Ask father God for forgiveness
Pray to the Father to let we Americans not to go astray

Know I am a Christian
And I know in my heart, not to fear
Yet the sadness in my soul grows daily
As my fears become reality, my heart falls away in tears

There is something wrong
Can you not sense it in the air that we breath
Can you not see it in the eyes of our leaders
The tremble in their lips as they speak

The death in the once American dream
The lose of all hope, the end of all our dreams
We the people, have lost our very way
There is something not being told to us, fear is escalating

Pray that the wrath of our father God
Will some how pass us bye
Wee need to pray for America
To prosper, not only to survive.

Dear Father God, we pray on bended knee
Forgive us for our trespass
Forgive us for our greed
Forgive us for our disbelieve!

I love this country, our American Dream
But something went very wrong, can we not all see?
Something went very wrong, our Country tees of thee
Please Dear God, don't let our dream die, on bended knee, I do thee plea.

Please, Dear Father God, I cry
Please let The American Dream still be.

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I love this Country and the chance for all to have the American Dream. But something saddens my heart to the point of tears. We forget to thank Father God for all He has done for and given to America and we need to bow on bend on knee and ask God for forgiveness and the rebirth of the American way of being. I love my Country, I love my Father God, and I pray each day that we may stay free. love Carl

Page #98

My Prayer For Mankind

My prayer for mankind

Holy Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit of God,
please hear my prayer for my fellow man.
We have been lost for so many long years
And our cry in prayer is reaching out to you.

I am but a simple man
And I have read my bible several times, many times
And each time I read a new door has opened
And for what ever reason, I begin to understand more.

That reason being the Holy Spirit
Father God has given me
We have grown together all these many years
I have grown to love Him and depend on him so.

I find I pray more these days
Just seeing the evening news brings my prayers into being
Can any of you see that something has changed
So tragically changed that your eyes have got to see.

Can you sense that the very fabric of the world
Has for certain been changed, rearranged
Hidden in full site yet no one can see
Except that is those you see in the spirit, the spirit of God

You have herd it said
That the times, they are a changing
Yet, can you feel it, can you really feel it?
This is the time to turn to Father God to pray to be wise.

You need to build that relationship with God
With Father God this minute, right now, with no delay
For time , yes time has nearly run out
For the time of renewal with God is now.

Page #99

Can you feel the air
Can you sense a change, has something gone different
Can you feel the stress of a world gone lost
A world that has lost all hope, perhaps forever.

With the Christ Jesus we have found our hope
With hope, we have come to realize through prayer
Through prayer, we still have a chance
That chance, to find our way home.

Father God, Lord Jesus hear my prayer
Hear my prayer for the salvation of mankind
Wake up in us the power of the Holy Spirit
Forgive us our sins of disbelief, our sinful hearts.

In me there is such a sadness
I do not know from were, or why or how
I am so sad for we, us mankind
Why Dear father God have we gone such astray?

My heart burns with sadness and tears for human kind
I realize that our time, my time is now short
I want to reach the hearts of all your children Father God
For the time of all human kind, precious time running out.

It is time for prayer and self examination
It is time to call upon our God out of great tribulation and fear
I can not express enough how limited is our time
Time to realize we will not escape this the coming storm of all fears.

This coming time of great sadness, blackness and tears
Time to pray to Father God, Lord Jesus in repentance, sorrows, fears
To call upon the Son of God on bended knees
Forgive us our Lord , we pray through our tears.

The air has changed and something has begun and the time for forgiveness is hear. please in the name of our Lord Jesus start to pray every day, several times a day and please renew your spirit. pray for one another, pray that America becomes strong once again. pray that God will forgive our country and set us on the right road once again. I ask you this in the Name of Christ Jesus, through his death we have found our Hope. love, Carl
Page #100

How Is It That You Can Not Understand?

How Could you not Understand?

How is it that you can not understand?
When the truth is all about you
You can still be blind and yet see
You can not hear, but hear it all about you

God is real, He lives
Jesus is the Son of God
He was born, died, Rose again
Oh yes, Jesus is very real

The Holy Spirit is for real
Can you not feel His very presence?
When you first except Jesus as your Christ?
You must open your whole heart and complete soul to Him

There is no other way!

For then there becomes a Miracle
The Holy Spirit encompasses your living soul
Then you become one with the Spirit
You become one with our very Father God

How can something so simple
Elude so many in the past and present and beyond
Our Father God is a living God
There is no other alive, in my Christian mind, this is fact

The rewards are endless
The rewards are eternal, we know this as true
I find in myself it is not the awards I hunger for
In my soul I only hunger for you, my Father God.

Page #101

The Great Inquisition Now Begins

The Great Inquisition now begins

Something had changed
But so many did not seem to notice
for there were those in secret who knew
For they foresaw the great lie that was coming

We had two thousand of years
We wanted to do it all our own way
How foolish, this mankind is
We would even trade our souls for such earthly gains

However, there were those
Those who in great secret, that made prepare
For they had studied The Great Book
Forbidden by the law, those found subject , put to the death

There had been made secret stashes
Secret knowledge of The One, now being burned in great fires a cross the land
Thank God for our forefathers, secret interventions
For now the knowledge had been saved for those who found themselves, sadly, now left behind

So began The Great day of Sorrows
The great inquisition of the soul began
Countless thousands of martyrs beheaded
For they would not except the Beast and his brand

We as fellow Christians can see the coming storm that will bring with it The beginning of Sorrows The Bible tells us that will soon begin. You can since that there will be great changes in the political arena. it has already started in some countries that being a Christian can be a death sentence. We need to be watchful of this in our country. We can see our rights to practice Christianity slowly being taken away. That when the very ten
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Commandments are taken away for being unconstitutional, there is something very wrong going on. be strong my children, have faith in the father and Son. be prepared to fight the Good Fight. For we will soon be asked as Christians to place on our armoire of God. Do not fear this time, for if we have Christ with us, we should not have fear but great joy, for we know that His return is coming near. God Bless you my children of the Father. For He wishes none of His children to parish. Love Carl

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Has this, the end, come?

Low and behold
A door was herd being opened
And but for a brief moment
All the entire universe had stopped, paused as if to take its final breath

For now a great and somber cry was heard
It has begun, was the cry
For these words now travel
Through such black and empty skies.

For they have found there way
They have come through the blackest of  black skies
For a terrible void had become created
From the very blackest of space did this evil arrive

It was as if the entireness’ of the universe
Had been shaken so violent, so hard
That the very foundations of all the atoms
Had been corrupted buy some wormhole viruses from the blackness off the skies from thee above

The very universe was realigning
For whatever reason, yet unknown
The sparkle of the stares began to fail
The heavens themselves, one by one failed

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Then those that come out
Those profits of modern day doom
Carrying their signs of redemption held high
For all those lost souls still so confused

Repent! read these whitest of white washed signs
Bold, blacken letters proclaiming this, the coming end, so very true
Prepare yourselves, proclaimed this prophets of the newest times
For this, the time of redemption, now falls upon you

And so began, the downfall
Once , strong and undisruptive foundations now shaken savagely loosen
Brought on such moral as well as physical destruction
Not one of a billion, billion, would not, no not a one could escape this destruction now to come

For the time of redemption had finally come
Come to this very earth so corrupted and decayed
For than was it herd, the saddest of songs now sung
The gates of heaven have become closed, for it has been herd, for it has been done

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Now this is but a story
For yet these things mentioned will for sure come
The very foundations of the heavens will rattle
Mankind will have reached their end, yes it has come

Look into the skies my friends
Thus warning had all ready come
The very end of all there had been
Will be the color of the blood red sun

I find that every thing good and hopeful and wonderful has some been lost, forgotten come undone. A child cries in the wilderness for it’s mother and she will never come. This is when all hope has been lost, watch for the blood red sun

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The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese

The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One

This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past

The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken

Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out

Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail

When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact

We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground

We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of

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How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love

As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father's All

The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come

This creation called mankind
How hard do they fight to exist?
Do they not yet realize?
That what little time they will have to make this a finale peace

Seven Seals that must be broken
Each carries an arrow and a tear
A young mother for here unborn children cries
While a red-hot arrow tip splits the skin

We had all been warned
For there is not one excuse
We can not rest on what was once done yesterday
For in the now is all we can do

Say your prayers, my dear children
For all that is said, will all this come to truth
For the ski will have fallen, it's name is Wormwood
Say your prayers my dear children

For it has been written
For you all know this to be true
For it has been written in The book of Life
Please look for yourself, it is fact and it is truth

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A Matter Of Interpretation
© By: Carl Coglianese

A Matter of Interpretation?

It had been discussed at quite length
Scholars thought that there interpretation
Was the correct one of course?
Correct maybe if The Holy Spirit was not in you

Could these men of many learning's
Could they themselves be led astray?
Wasn't there something about running too and fro
Something about so much knowledge that it was meaningless this day

After all, is it not the center of most discussions?
Is it not what all the so-called Scholars say?
After all they all have their diplomas
There diplomas that say they know what they say

Look they are all saying the same thing
It is temporary at the best
Yet I have herd it said that they were preparing
By digging holes in the ground for them to soon stay, a place of safety a place of rest?

They had a scientific quorum
For all the best of the best did show that day
For it was the time to make discussions
For they had calculated the coming last day

All the ancient books had been open
gather in columns all segue
Notebooks of written words upon papers
Formulas discussed then reissued then all confused

Nothing made any sense anymore
Basic truths up heaved and defused
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It had become like Babble once again
This time science, technology, we had abused

There was nothing left for us to fight for
No greener to take in, any flowers left, only gloom
We a people had lost our way, somehow we had been betrayed
All hope to us was lost; we were but only the fools, left so confused, left so crushed

What in Gods very name were we thinking?
What kind of delusions had we all been under
Why did all of this so-called Mankind become so fooled?
What in the very depths of our evil hearts had we sunk too

We are but fools
We have been given paradise
And we gave it all away but for the thought of becoming like very gods
What in the very name of creation had we done, I had cried out in disbelieve

Our science had failed us
Technology lay in ruins, staked up in piles of twisted plastics and metals
Grotesque metal sculptures remain
They warn us of yet another evil to come

We are now being taunted by voices unseen
And the very air around us has grown thick with mistrust
For we, mankind know the end is coming very near
Can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck?

The Seals have been open, do we dear to assume which?

Every were you look you know see the downfall of mankind. We always knew that this day will come, and perhaps soon or maybe a little bit latter. But be smart, invest more of your time in talking to God, thank Him every day for the good life he has given to you. Just check in now and then, that's all, love Carl

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In Studying The Word

In studying The Word

Ask God, our Father to give you a blessing before you read His Word. Ask Him to open up His Word to you, as you read.

To unfold to you as that of the flower opens to release its golden nectar. This in the form of understanding , to understand and retain
The Words as you are reading them.

You will find that there Are many levels to this word. And as you read you will begin to find that each time you will gain a deeper understanding. and you will grow. You will grow. You will grow.

When you read, read as a child will read in wonderment. Let this book's words become part of who you are. You will begin to understand all of it's meanings. You will smile to yourself as though you have found a secret precious diamond among its pages. And you will hold on tightly to the prize that you have found.

This book will lead you back home. In its pages are the road that you need to take to find your way back to the father. You will find your way back home, your real home. The secret to life, the meaning of life all found in this books pages.

You will find that this book has a wonderful surprise hidden deep in with its pages. The prize in it's pages are waiting there for you to discover. Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to His word. Out of Love He will do as you ask. After all He is the Father, He is Love.

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A Matter of Interpretation?
It had been discussed at quite length
Scholars thought that there interpretation
Was the correct one of course?

Correct maybe if The Holy Spirit was not in you
Could these men of many learning's
Could they themselves be led astray?
Wasn’t there something about running too and fro

Something about so much knowledge that it was meaningless this day
After all, is it not the center of most discussions?
Is it not what all the so-called Scholars say?
After all they all have their diplomas

There diplomas that say they know what they say
Look they are all saying the same thing
It is temporary at the best
Yet I have herd it said that they were preparing

By digging holes in the ground for them to soon stay, a place of safety a place of rest?
They had a scientific quorum
For all the best of the best did show that day
For it was the time to make discussions

For they had calculated the coming last day
All the ancient books had been open
Gather in columns all segue
Notebooks of written words upon papers

Formulas discussed then reissued then all confused
Nothing made any sense anymore
Basic truths up heaved and defused
It had become like Babble once again

This time science, technology, we had abused
There was nothing left for us to fight for
No greener to take in, any flowers left, only gloom
We a people had lost our way, somehow we had been betrayed
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All hope to us was lost; we were but only the fools, left so confused, left so crushed
What in Gods very name were we thinking?
What kind of delusions had we all been under
Why did all of this so-called Mankind become so fooled?

What in the very depths of our evil hearts had we sunk too
We are but fools
We have been given paradise
And we gave it all away but for the thought of becoming like very gods

What in the very name of creation had we done, I had cried out in disbelieve
Our science had failed us
Technology lay in ruins, staked up in piles of twisted plastics and metals
Grotesque metal sculptures remain

They warn us of yet another evil to come
We are now being taunted by voices unseen
And the very air around us has grown thick with mistrust
For we, mankind know the end is coming very near

Can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck?
The Seals have been open, do we dear to assume which?

Page #113

It has been found!

There was an earthquake the mourning
And the Wall were slips of paper were placed
Prayers to God they were said to be
The great Wall had shifted and a hole was revealed

The Rabies were called and a decision was made
The opening would be explored and then repaired
A discovery had been made, a chamber had been found
And there was a great silence in that day, It had been found

Placed in secret hiding so long ago
It Laid in readiness till it's time of completion has come
When the chamber had been opened
By the this had been done

Was made a discovery that was so profound
No man was to touch it, This Sacred Relic found
For from the law of Moses, no man shall be allowed
For The hand Of God had protected it, till now it is found

And as the eye of man had gazed upon it
The ground began to shake once more
And a great crack appeared upon the very mound
As if the very hand of God Himself had drawn a line out loud

Two poles of wood, side by side
Carried out this very object into the light
With Wings inward pointing on a seat made of gold
The greatest of treasures this Temple ever did hold

The Mercy seat of God it was said to be
The Ark of The Covenant this was it be
The line on the mount dividing the land
This is were the third and finale Temple will stand

Little know is the fact
And I have it on good word this is true
That plans have been made to rebuild this temple soon

From the Book of the Word
Plans have been followed through
The inside of the temple has been Constructed
And is awaiting a place to be used

The finding of The Ark
Will be the guiding light
That will make this all possible
Making all Jews and Christians unite.

The rebuilding of The Temple is only a matter off time. And plans have been made for a very long time. To rebuild The temple will reunite all Jews Worldwide. the Ark had been found, those prayers placed in the wall had been answered for all times

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It has somehow Changed

It has somehow changed
Something is just not like it used to be
It has somehow all changed

There was something in the air that night
You could almost say a sense of calm before the storm
Yes, there had been a change, can you feel it?

Was it because something had gone wrong
Something terribly wrong
Like the whole of this world gasped in disbelief

Something that night had been changed, something so incredible
something had changed into utter disbelief

On that night we were given back Hope
Something that we had lost for such a very long time.
A child had been born, Salvation a wondrous gift had been given us freely
Hope had been rekindled in sinners like we

In sinners like we
in sinners like we
In sinners like me!

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My Soul Sings praise to the One and Only God

Baruk Atah Adonai
My soul sings out unrestraint
Baruk Atah Adonai
My soul sings praise to our One and Only God

In each of us
A song is born
A melody written through our life, as time goes on
to be sung on that day
Of our Lord Jesus return

A song in our soul has been born
our voices raised in unison
So clear, so vibrant, so strong
in our song we glorify, our Savors coming Home

Even though our voices are individual
they are still heard as one song
to our God we sing
This welcome, this welcome to our home, our song

Baruk Atah Adonai
we sing this song of praise
Our soul sings of Jesus coming
We sing of His return as He had promised, so many yesterdays

Each soul has its own song, a song only Jesus and The father can hear. We pray to The Father in all honor to glorify our God and His Son Jesus

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The Cross

What Jesus must have felt hanging on the cross
My God, why have you forsaken me was his last cry
For the first time He was separated from His Father
God could not grow near because of the sins of mankind
That were laid upon His head.

How long was that moment, just before He died
To have always been One with the Father
Then to be torn from his side
What he must have felt
How deep did His soul cry out, Father, Father It is Done.

The Father loved His Son
No greater the love of God could there be.
The Father must have hurt inside that very moment
When he was separated from His Son
What pain he must have felt inside his heart

God so loved the world
That he gave His only begotten Son
How deep is the Love of God
Surrender your heart
Become a child of God

God so loved the World
That he gave His only Begotten Son
How deep is the Love of God

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The Burning Of The Sun
By: Carl Coglianese (

The Burning of the Sun

Has it already begun?
Are we not at the very abyss
Can we not already feel the very bright heat of the sun

For it had been said
For one third of all the earth shall be scorched
For also one third of all life will soon die, from the burning of the sun

It was foretold to use,
Those who would be alive to see that day
We must watch the skies and not to give into our fears
That our hearts that day might not die from fear

Now, right now ,fall to your knees and pray
Raise your hands to the skies and cry out loud
Father, Please let this not happen
Please forgive us, your children
Please forgive us, our sins

Please spare use these coming horrors
Of what we understand that has been foretold to us to come
It had been once written in a book of olden days
To bow your head in reverence, open your heart and pray
Give us one last chance Dear Lord, give us one more day

There is a lesson here, please understand what I say
There is still hope, but if we only pray
The power of prayer is so important as we as children of Father God understand. Please pray for America to go back to its first love and that is the Love of God. Please pray that God forgives us for forsaken him in this once great and powerful country. it is never to late to fall on your knees and pray, please for Americas sake pray, love Carl

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Through prayer I have found my peace, I have found my safety and a place of eternal refuge from this earthly storm. I mean this life can be so very hard at times, and through prayer we can ask for our Fathers guidance, His Love, His support.

Every night before I go to bed I take a moment to make reflection of my day. I get myself all cozy and comfortable for I never know how long my prayers will take. Then I begin. Thank you father for this day you have given me. And a good day it was and I thank you. Then I go through my day and I talk to Him about what I had done or what I might have said, and often tell Him how sorry I was when I goofed up. You have to remember to always tell God the truth, do not candy coat it. And always remember to talk to God with the respect that He deserves. Never call God dad or the big guy up there, call Him father God with all the respect and Love He deserves, and He deserves all that we can give. God is the father and He is truth, the perfection of truth.

You always come before God on bended knee even when lying down in your bed at night. I always ask The Father to thank Christ Jesus for His life that He gave for me as well as all mankind, all that we had to do was to ask for forgiveness and except Jesus as His one and only Son. Tell God that you be leave with all your heart that this is the truth and you dedicate all your heart and soul to them both.

I then ask The Father to help the Holy Spirit in me to grow wise and strong. To help make me into a better Christian to serve The Father & Son to the best that I am able. I tell The father I want Him to be proud of me. I want Him to say when my time comes, yes I know you Carl, and I remember your prayers well. That is what I wish to hear The Father say. I will then ask The Father to please forgive me for what I may have forgot to have confessed.
Then before closing I ask Him to forgive us humans for turning away from Him, and what a great mistake that had been.

In closing I ask the father to bless my friends and my family and I always call out each one of their names. I ask the Father to please tell my Mother how much I love her and that I miss her so much that my heart is still broken, and in pain. I ask Him to watch over her, as I know He watches over Mary, the Mother of Jesus and I remind Him that I know how much He must love her. Then finally I once again tell Him thank You for this day and to please bless my two dogs, Cassie & Reilly. They’re in there teenage years and are driving me crazy, and say thank you for all the love they give me and help me make it through my


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There are some nights that I will talk with Him for a couple of hours, I just guess I have
a lot to say. Then some nights I am so tired I may tell Him thank you for getting through this crazy day and God Bless you God. Amen

The important thing is please just talk to God each and every day. Make the time to tell Him how much you love Him. How much love you have in your heart for Him. For me I like to pray at bedtime when I can have that private time for father and child talk. I am relaxed and the day is done. Other times during the day I will often take a moment out to say thank you father, job well done. You are truly the Creator, look at all you have done.
Prayer, Talking to The father, talking to the Son. Do it now, do it every day for the rest of your life. God Bless you my children, Love Carl

This Generation Lost?

When you live with chronic pain for many years, as in my case, I have developed A very strong and personal relationship with Father God and Christ Jesus. I talk with Father on a daily bases. For He has always been there for me, even those times when I thought I could do it on my own, Jesus was always there for me. Thank You Father .
When I pray to God I ask Him to please help the Holy Spirit in me grow stronger. I ask Him to give me the strength that I know I will need in the coming years. Not only strength to survive the pain, But to be there to defend Christianity. For I feel deep inside that, that day will come.
I can feel it in my very soul that things will begin to change in these coming years. That we as Christians need to be ready and organized to fight, The Good Fight. For It is coming on the winds of change.
I have mentioned in past writings that we need to have secret library’s established. For the day will soon come when reading the Bible will be frond upon, and Christianity itself will be considered a cancer in society that needs to be cut out. History REAPTS ITSELF, EXCEPT THIS TIME THE ENEMY IS NOT MERE MAN, BUT THE DEVIL HIMSELF WILL LEAD THIS BATLE CRY, DEATH TO THE CHURCH OF GOD, DEATH to The Church of God will be his battle cry.
A whole generation has come into existence, that for some strange reason
Has not been taught about God. The secular world has grown so thick in it’s self gratification that something so wonderful has been lost. These children will not know The Christ, at least not the true Christ that we were once taught about so many years ago. They do not know of His sacrifice. And they denounce any personal relationship with Christ is a fools folly. My Dear God, what has gone so terribly wrong. What genetic curse has been released in this generation of our youth. For they feel nothing, and there hearts have become empty. Be forewarned, for our very children will turn us over to the authorities, for in there deluded minds they do it for the good of there new god. Antichrist will make it’s name known to them. Please be forewarned.

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Our Fathers Law

Our Fathers Law

What a glorious day it will be
When Gods law will be written on our hearts
I myself look forward to that day
For it has been promised, and I believe
Can you even imagine
That time and day
When the very Word of God
Will be written upon are hearts for always

For I cry out loud, Father
Father Your Will be done
For now man has been given
Given this gift from our very God

To know and understand
All that is our Father God
To be able to reach out
To touch the very Heart of God

For this was promised
Written in The Book of Life
Foretold to us so very long ago
For this promise had been written, and I believe it to be so

His Words of Life
Becoming whole in our hearts
For we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye
For we will be like Him


Praise Father God

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Death Curse

Death is the enemy
Death is the curse
Jesus died for to take away death
Jesus is life

We must be in constant gratitude
For what Our Savoir has done
For He alone has saved mankind
Dying on The Cross it has been done

For now mankind has hope
This hope given so profound
Christ had given His very life for us
We must give thanks with our open hearts

The greatest gift is Salvation
From the Father, and The Son
The next and greatest gift to have come
Is the gift of Hope in Christ Jesus, The Son

We show our hope
In those promises yet to come
But in our faith, hope has already been done
For in Hope is Christ Jesus, Salvation has come

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There is A Dark Side

For there are powers
For there are principalities
For they are real, and they do exist
For there is a war being fought, on going and never ending

Ending only when
The Son of God returns
For one thousand years peace will rule
Yet for this short while, all hell will be lose

Pray that you will be worthy
Worthy not to partake of the second death
For Gog will war against MaGog
For many knowing the truth will still fall with the beast

Know your book of Revelation
Read these words out loud
Know that they speak of the utter truth
For the very end of Mans time will be allowed

For one thousand years as we were told
Man will then flourish in our God’s very fold
Yet this time well come when tempted once more
Will man turn from his God, his love no more

Yet we will have been given
The truth put into our hearts
The Word of God forever written upon us
This He has promised, I feel it in my heart

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This Generation Lost?

When you live with chronic pain for many years, as in my case, I have developed A very strong and personal relationship with Father God and Christ Jesus. I talk with Father on a daily bases. For He has always been there for me, even those times when I thought I could do it on my own, Jesus was always there for me. Thank You Father .
When I pray to God I ask Him to please help the Holy Spirit in me grow stronger. I ask Him to give me the strength that I know I will need in the coming years. Not only strength to survive the pain, But to be there to defend Christianity. For I feel deep inside that, that day will come.
I can feel it in my very soul that things will begin to change in these coming years. That we as Christians need to be ready and organized to fight, The Good Fight. For It is coming on the winds of change.
I have mentioned in past writings that we need to have secret library’s established. For the day will soon come when reading the Bible will be frond upon, and Christianity itself will be considered a cancer in society that needs to be cut out. History REAPTS ITSELF, EXCEPT THIS TIME THE ENEMY IS NOT MERE MAN, BUT THE DEVIL HIMSELF WILL LEAD THIS BATLE CRY, DEATH TO THE CHURCH OF GOD, DEATH to The Church of God will be his battle cry.
A whole generation has come into existence, that for some strange reason
Has not been taught about God. The secular world has grown so thick in it’s self gratification that something so wonderful has been lost. These children will not know The Christ, at least not the true Christ that we were once taught about so many years ago. They do not know of His sacrifice. And they denounce any personal relationship with Christ is a fools folly. My Dear God, what has gone so terribly wrong. What genetic curse has been released in this generation of our youth. For they feel nothing, and there hearts have become empty. Be forewarned, for our very children will turn us over to the authorities, for in there deluded minds they do it for the good of there new god. Antichrist will make it’s name known to them. Please be forewarned.

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It is time to Declare yourself
It is now the time to declare yourself. is your home a place of God. You have to make a decision as I recently did, and that is to say out loud in the middle of your home, that this is a place of God. You have invited God to live in your home know. Please do not make this decision without understanding what it will mean from now on, yes to live in your home. I declare that this home belongs to my God, My Father, To Christ Jesus THE SAVOR OF MY SOUL, yes the captain of my ship. my life.
By doing this you welcome Christ into your every day life.
You make an all time commitment to welcome to all those that entire your home that God will be with you, and they will always be welcomed and be safe in your home.
Will you make this commitment ?

This Mark Of Allegiance
© By: Carl Coglianese

This mark of all allegiance
What have we done?
A voice in the distance now cries
Our eyes have been opened
And yet how could we have been so very, very blind
Some said that they had no choice
Take the mark or die
Did they not realize this This very mark meant death
Yes, the death of the body
But much worse that that It meant the very death of the soul
There was no excuse
We had known the truth
But we failed when we were called upon This by us saying yes to him
We did not realize that we now had lost everything
To bear this mark Meant that your soul had been sealed Lost forever to our father god
Hail to this new Caesar Who is now greater than he For he is the beast
There is no greater on this earth, than he
Hail to the living god
This cry was herd thought all the lands
Hail to the living god
There is no greater than he
How could we have been so very blind, so fooled
Lead as sheep to the slaughter
Yet, somehow we foolishly did,
Why? There are so many out there that just do not know or even understand what we as Christian know is coming, please spread the word, please.

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My dream is to reach as many people out there that I can and through the power of the Holy Spirit that is in me, apart of me and all of me. I want them to know the Word of God, to understand what time has taught me and much study has led me in this my one and only life.

I have devoted the rest of my life as well as walk with Christ Jesus and Father God. I Love the Holy Spirit that was in me and that is now me. I have become a child of my most Excellent Father. For He is God.

Share with me my walk with God, Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit and together as children of the Father we can become one Family, Amen.

God Bless You all my children and Brethren of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen

Rev. Carl R. Coglianese

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