Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Angel Whisper (3)

Angel Whisper  (3)

You whispered in my ear that night
That God loved me and to preserver always
And I took You at Your Word
For there is no need for me to doubt.

For who can deny the words of the Angel
For was He not heaven sent
Did He not bear the word of God
The very message of hope to one's child.

To preserver into the long night coming
That hope was waiting at the end
of this dark and lonesome tunnel
His word from The Father to His child.

There have been times, when I cry out in desperation
Father, Abba, where are You ?
Then it comes to me that He is at my side
He has never left me even for a short while.

How fragile us humans are
How sometimes we doubt what lies in front view
He is always there, He had always been there for me
How wonderful He is for me, for He is my Father.

The word is founded secured in rock
The rock is truth, love and hope.
The road is narrow and hard to navigate
But in total trust in God, obedience to God
made this narrow road accessible to both me and you.

“Even more know than ever before I ask you to pray to our father in love and in hope to help you navigate this narrow road straight through. Just believe He is God, and yes remember that His one and only Son died on the Cross-for me and you, Praise God, amen”  -Carl.

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