Tuesday, May 24, 2016

CHAPTER II ANGEL POEMS (True Poetic Account) AND MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Angel Whisper (1st account )



(True Poetic Account)


Angel Whisper (1st account )

I could not sleep that night
Most nights I find it hard to sleep
Being sick for so long
Not knowing what weighs so heavy on the mind and soul

I use this time to talk to God
Tell Him all about my day
Tell Him all the times I fell so short of His Glory
Feeling so less than worthy to call out His Name.

A feeling came upon me
A presence made itself known
A whisper in my ear
A message to be proclaimed

In my left ear
A voice of an Angle proclaimed
God Loves You He told me
To preserver he proclaimed

This is a true story
Yes it did really happen to me
In a moment of great weakness
God sent a messenger to me

From the voice of this angel
Proclaiming that yes God Loves me
I know I am so unworthy
Yet The Father Loves me?

What powerful words
were spoken
To help me through
these trying times... 
God The Father Loves me
He will be with me, for all times.

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