Tuesday, May 24, 2016

To Walk With God

To Walk With God

“I love you Lord”
Just saying the words mean so much to me.

You are my God
And I am Your child

And I love You so much
That at times tears form in my eyes

Tears of happiness and of joy
I want to walk with You, my lord

You are strong, and everlasting
And all of creation is because of you

You show me Your Love
In all that You do 

My Dear Father God, I love You

I read Your Words
And Your Spirit guides me

And the emptiness I once felt
Has been filled with Your everlasting Love

I walked with You
In my dream last night

And We tell each other many things
And I hold nothing back from you, there is no need.

For you are The Father
and I, your child.

Please Dear Father
I ask You to walk with me, if only for a while.

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