Monday, May 23, 2016

I Believe in God

I Believe in God

I believe in God
I know deep down in my soul
He is Alive!

I know without a doubt
That He Is
I know, I feel His Love.

I can guarantee, there is no doubt
That he lives,
He is The Father.

Every fiber of my being
Reaches out to Him
Father, I call… I need You.

I am nothing without You.
I reach out into the Heavens
You are always there.

I raise my arms over my head
Calling out you name, Abba.
Father You are my life.

I believe in God.
He is my Lord and King.
He is all that there is.

He lives,
On bended knee, I cry out to the Heavens
He is, He will always be the Father.

He Lives!

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