Monday, May 23, 2016

What Did Jesus Look Like?

What Did Jesus Look Like?

What did Jesus look like
I mean for real
Was He tall, blue eyed
Like all the pictures reveal?

He must have been tall
To stick out in a crowd
With brown hair, blue eyes
He must have really stuck out

When all others had
Black hair and dark eyes
No wonder people were attracted to Him
He was so tall He could be seen over the crowds

The popular European image
It was better that he looked like them
Since He was Jewish
Who could identify with Him

The Bible says no images
this will not be allowed
it was about the message
that was the purpose- 
No cameras allowed.

Jesus looked like the common man
Easily lost in the crowd
No one special, just a man
A young Jewish man in the crowd

Remember Judas
One of the twelve
He had to betray Jesus
With a kiss to point Him out.

Nothing special
This common man
He Is Our Salvation
He is the Savior of man.

There need not be pictures of Jesus
His message was most important to the human race
It is too easy to fall in love
with a picture, worship a face.  –Carl.

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