Tuesday, May 24, 2016

And The Rain Fell

And The Rain Fell

And the rain feel that evening
The wind pulled no punches in its fury that night
We were huddled by the fire place with mom and dad
For it was our way to read the book of life at night

Before we went to bed at night, Daddy always made it a point 
to read us a passage from this book of old
To teach us what was right
How to lead a true Christian life

I remember looking in to fathers eyes as he read
How intense his face sometimes appeared
Then there were those times he would smile
Tell us children come look at something here.

I grew up in a loving home
Never knowing anything was different about me
But I was lucky to grow up in a Christian home
for this was so normal for me. 

The time had come, for me to find my own way
for there was no fear in my heart 
For I was shielded in the Word of God
There was no fear in me, just excitement, so I say

The time would come
When I would indeed be tested 
For I was ready 
And indeed I was ready .

The Shield of God protected me.
This I always knew for sure
for I was bound to the Word of God
And I was taught by learning the Word.

For the rain did fall that day, and my heart did give 
Itself over to MY God and Father.
 Amen.     -Carl

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